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Friday, September 14, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Protesters in Tunisia Reportedly Rampage Inside US Embassy Compound

Reuters reports protesters scale walls of US Embassy compound in Tunis, Tunisia, break windows and set fires. Meanwhile, Associated Press reports Marine team being sent to secure US Embassy in Yemen.

From Fox News


  1. birth pains of WWIII

  2. Question to the democrats-So how's that Arab Spring working out for you???
    Bunch of foolish jerks!

  3. Sending the marines to the deaths!!

  4. "Anonymous said...
    birth pains of WWIII

    September 14, 2012 11:01 AM"

    Isn't this unbelievable! And where is the "brain trust" that started all this? Will we hear from him or is he too busy playing golf! And where has the other "intellect" (biden) been. The one who we were all fed the BS that he was an expert in foreign policy! BS is right-biden's lucky if he knows what state he's in.

  5. Now bomb threat at U of TX in Austin called in by a man with a middle eastern accent.

  6. Ok lets box all of those people and send them back

  7. German embassy in Sudan now on fire. I'm sure the German Govenment really appriciates Obama right about now. He has literally gotten the world into a major crisis.

  8. Um 11:02 and 11:11 did you not get the memo? The whole strategy of pushing an "Arab Spring" began long before Obama showed up. And it's hilarious how you clowns seem to expect countries that haven't seen real democracy in decades suddenly blossom into Jeffersonian republics overnight. I could have swore a century after revolution we were fighting civil war and really didn't bring equal rights to all US citizens for almost 300 years after the declaration of independence. My point, sit down and take a chill pill. There's going to be alot more turmoil in this region before we see the arab spring bare positive fruits.

  9. I'm half expecting for Hillary Clinton to bolt fairly soon and leaving her boy Obama holding the bag.

  10. Aren't there security details at the embassies?? If trouble starts the firing should start. If some die here and there, others won't be so ready to attempt such things at other US embassies around the world. We give the Marines/security details weapons, let them us them for heavens sake!!

  11. 11:22 You are wrong. The Arab Spring began in Dec of 2010.
    Obama supported the militants who were behind outting atleast 2 moderate Arab leaders who themselves did not tolerate islamists in any way shape or form-PERIOD. No one else has ever thought to take them out of power.
    Obama has ZERO business meddling in the affairs of these countries and he did and now the whole region is in turmoil.
    Not only has Obama put Americans in danger but also millions and millions of people who are citizens of these countries where this mayhem is concentrated. That's who is going to need the chill pill--- so tell that to the families of the innocent men woman and children who are going to die in the next few days in these far off countries to take a chill pill.

  12. 11:22 don't make excuses and be an apologist for the abomination Obama has become. If those countries want democracay then it's up to them, not some 2 bit liar who has failed at everything he has ever done including his presidency.
    Now his latest screw up is getting the whole darn world into a hugh mess.

  13. Before Obama, all of our Embassy's were protected by marines. It had always been a real privilege for a marine to be chosen as an Embassy guard. What happened?

  14. Here is an idea to stop all this crap. Place a very well armed contingency of hard charging US Marines inside one of those compounds. Give them orders to make defensive fortifications and prepare to defend against large amounts of enemies. Then give them permission to shoot to kill anyone on US soil who is not supposed to be there. This will happen once, maybe twice, then these towelheads will stay out of our compounds. It seems violence is the only thing they will listen to.


  15. Democracy 11:22? Is that what Obama was hoping to achieve in Libya and Egypt? If so, then why did he support the Muslim Brotherhood who made no secret of wanting a more "Islamic" government? The Brotherhood had been banned from Egypt for well over 30years due to their extemism and their belief of sharia law.
    You need to get better informed yourself first before calling others clowns.

  16. Funny how we help support all these groups to overthrow their government, and then they turn on us. Why is it?

    The security details should shoot anybody who stands on the wall, since at that point they are on US Soil. Let the crowd below catch 'em and take the body away.

  17. 11:46, Marines provide security to the interior portions of US oversees diplomatic and consular premises. This is just a guess but the whole detachment is probably around 20 to guard several properties which in this case involved a safe house, the embassy, the consulate and the living compound that we know of. So you can see they were spread thin. It's up to the govenments (in this case Libyan) to make sure no one breeches the wall and then if they do security was supposed to be provided by Libyans hired by the US. According to reports these hired Libyans scattered (hmmmm) when the wall was breeched so the Marines inside were outnumbered. The insurgents knew where to find the safehouse also (hmmmm.)

  18. dogg, and what you stated is exactly how Colonel Muammar Gaddafi (with his police force and military) would have handled this situation and the 4 Americans would still be alive. They would never have been able to breech the wall nor would they have even attempted it knowing that death would be swift and certain. But thanks to Obama the militants have taken over.

  19. 11:22 Don't you have the nerve to mention Obama and real democracy at the same time or maybe it is easily explained as pure ignorance on your part. These replacement governments that Obama supports spit in the face democracy. They strongly opppose Western ways. They base their govenment beliefs on the Quran and Sunnah. Their own stated goals are for a govenment based on the Quran as the "sole reference point."

  20. Obviously I'm not dealing with the brightest bulbs in the box so I don't know why I'm wasting time here.

    11:38 open up a book or atleast do a google search before spouting nonsense. "Arab Spring" has been a component of US foreign policy going back to atleast Bush II.

    11:44 see above. Could have swore it has been a cornerstone of the GOP to "spread democracy". In fact, I thought that was a big justification for sending 100,000+ troops into Iraq. Oh wait, no it was for WMD. No, no it was because saddam was a bad guy. It's funny to me how the conservative pundits were all for regime change before they were against it. As for excuses, if you had a clue about history, you might be able to put the current situation into perspective. But alas, like so many, your memory is about as short as today's news cycle.

    11:50, democracy means the people are free to vote for whoever they want to lead. Not who YOU want to lead. The MB is currently the most organized group who are able to convince the most people (right or wrong) that their leadership is in the country's best interest. Doesn't seem too different from whats going on here.

    1:03 funny, could have swore plenty of you advocate on our democracy being based on religious values. Isn't it ironic....don't ya think?

  21. 1:26 NO president EVER has taken it upon himself to support the outting of any of the moderate arab leaders such as obama did. Don't even attempt to argue Middle Eastern issues with me. I've forgotten more than you will ever know.
    If you think those people were free to vote for whoever they wanted then you are dumber than a post. Do you even know who their choices were? Or how the candidates were choosen?

  22. Oh the same Muslim Brotherhood who were Tweeting on their English account concern for the Americans in the Egyptian embassy when it was under siege and on their Arabic account were encouraging the protesters 1:26?

    Obama was one of few convinced by the MB and that's because he's so damm stupid. He was warned, repeatedly. The majority of the Egyptian citizens knew all about them and why they had been banned from Egypt for over 30 years.

  23. 1:26 says-"11:50, democracy means the people are free to vote for whoever they want to lead."

    Not true in Libya. The "election" was nothing more than a show orchastrated by the US government and a very high percentage of Libyans didn't participate knowing it was only a show.
    When they asked questions as to why some regions were under represented they weren't given answers. The "congress" that was elected had the power to choose the prime minister and not the people. When asked what does this "congress" mean what do they do (beside choose prime minister) the people were not told.
    To say the Libyans were free to vote for whoever they want to lead is false. The leader was choose by this congress who for all intent and purpose put themselves in place.

  24. It's now being reported that there was no Marine detail in Benghazi Libya where the ambassador was murdered but according to Democratic (yes dmeocratic) pollster Pat Caddell, who someone obviously leaked this info to, Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett has a full Secret Service detail while she is on vacation in Martha's Vineyard.

  25. The Muslim Brotherhood is and has always be rabidly anti American. It was not prudent nor rational for Obama to think they would change their ways. Obama being a legend in his own mind surely felt they were going to roll out the red carpet for him and bow to his every whim. In reality they do not care who Obama is what he says or what he does. They used him to gain power and Obama who is out to make a name for himself fell right into their trap.


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