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Thursday, September 13, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: NYC Puts Limit On Size of Sugar Drinks

New York City Board of Health puts 16-ounce limit on cups and bottles of sugary drinks sold at restaurants and entertainment venues.

From Fox News


  1. don't these people have bigger fish to fry in NYC?

  2. Really, does anyone need to drink any more than 16 ounces? It's called gluttony.

  3. 12:01 You know this is not about health...right?

  4. @12:01 who are you to decide or NY for that matter, how much is too much sugar for someone?

  5. It's a ploy orchestrated by soda companies and endorsed by Bloomberg to get people to spend more money on sodas. Too many people, like for instance a mother would get the supersize soda and share it with her child. Or a couple would share a large soda. Now they have to buy 2 of the smaller sizes. It has nothing to do with health. This is how the big corps fool people. Then they hire lobbyists to wine and dine law makers and donate to their camapaigns so they are all on the same page and pass these types of laws.

  6. 6:24
    They will also collect more in taxes by doing this. It's cheaper to buy the big one than 2 small ones. You can get a 2 liter for almost the same price as you spend for a 20oz soda.

  7. I guess I am a little too naive. I never thought for a moment it was about health, but 6:24 really hit the nail on the head. Why didn't I think of that? It all comes down to the old rule-follow the money.

  8. So, does this outlaw the 2 liter bottle?


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