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Tuesday, September 04, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: National Debt Tops $16 Trillion

The U.S. national debt has topped $16 trillion, the Treasury Department's count shows.

From Fox News


  1. Perfect welcome to the Dem's Convention!
    Got budget yet?

  2. Thank you Dems...just one more nail in your party's coffin.

  3. Democrats have sold our children into slavery.

  4. Here's a poll question for you Joe...how does everyone plan on paying their share of the US debt? Currently at almost $51,000.00 for each citizen, thats over $200,000.00 for a family of four. Where is this money going to come from? Sooner or later we are going to have to face this and find a solution. And it isn't going to be easy.

  5. NObama built that!!!

  6. Now, now, as the Democrats will be quick to remind us...it was Cheney who said deficits don't matter. Amazing how quickly the idea was embraced, huh? Why do we keep electing these do nothing clowns that look out for their own self interest before the country's?

  7. The debt has increased 50% since bammie took office. He did build this.

  8. 8:10,
    AFTER he said he would cut it in half.
    2008 campaign PROMISE BROKEN, Then stuck in our faces with a grin.
    He's a fraud. An empty chair telling us how good things are.
    Kinda falls a little short when you drive to the grocery store and pay double what you paid 4 years ago.
    Fewer jobs in his "recovery" than in the recession.
    Forward. Yeah right.

  9. The dems are quick to regurgitate 3 words spoken by Dick Cheney some years ago-"deficits don't matter."

    Of course they've run with those 3 words knowing their brainless compliant conformists will spread it like wildfire without ever the thought crossing the minds of the compliant conformists to read the section of the interview where this occured and the sentenses before and after these 3 words.

    What is clear (to those who can comprehend) was that Cheney was talking about short-term economic impact, specifically in regards to the same comments made by one of Reagan's economic advisors.
    Taken in the "correct context", it wasn't by no way shape or form nor by anyone's stretch of the imagination a controversial statement as the dems would love everyone to believe.


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