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Thursday, September 13, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: House Approves Stopgap $1.047 Trillion Spending Bill

In a 329-91 vote, the U.S. House of Representatives approves a stopgap $1.047 spending bill, which will fund the government for six months.

From Fox News


  1. I assume means another trillion in debt.

  2. Further proof that we have become a Banana Republic. The United States will now enter it's 4th year without a formal budget.

  3. I guess they'll never stop printing money that just becomes more worthless with every dollar printed!
    This used to be a great country!

  4. Call it what it is.........borrowing money from China to run our government.

  5. yup, now its time to just wait and see what liberties this bill takes away...

    Isn't it funny how they won't ever pass a bill to spend to keep them running for a year or more, but its only always for a month or two yet every time they pass one, it takes liberties away, wouldn't you Be worried to? and starting saying to yourself, these people are not out of touch, it just they don't give two shits and its being engineered for a reason, a purpose...

    NO... The citizenry can't even contemplate that thought which is why the only threat to our liberties is the citizenry who is ill informed and not willing to open their eyes and think of all possibilities.. This is why america is doomed... not from the people trying to doom us, but the people from which they care not enough about themselves or others to say hey wait a min. here, something is being manipulated...

    No you instead say, the politicians are out of touch, and are stupid or the like... That is completely wrong....

    If you sit idle by and just wait as they say or allow others to steadfastly fight for you whilst you are not willing to even stand up and recognize the severity of whats happening, this is why were doomed and america will not exist even IF Romney wins...

    You all fail to realize, that there is a higher power here and they run the world, which is why they are now always pushing world globalization and why you hear nothing but share this, help that world this, global that... world society, blah blah... World war III blah blah blah...

    Don't try to come steal my food, once our society breaks up and the paper money means nothing... I will shoot anyone who steps a toe on my land for that purpose... For-warned

  6. anyone care to ask why it take $1.047 trillion dollars to run a government for 6 months?

    i think we know where our debt is going.

  7. I blame both parties for this. No one has the nerve to do what is right in an election year. It' all about getting reelected.

  8. Those of you constantly harping on the deficit are the same ones who are calling for action in Syria, Lybia, Egypt and IRAN!
    You can't have it both ways!
    You've also conveniently forgotten that we're STILL paying for IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN!
    Go ahead and put Romney in the WH. We'll be in 2 MORE wars, I predict within his first 100 days in office!
    Then, you'll shut up about the defecit because it'll be your party in the WH.

  9. anyone that is currently in Congress and running for re-election should be put out of office in November! we need to keep moving these pundits out of office until they get the message, pass a budget on time, get the job done, or GO HOME!

  10. @1037am

    thats why we need ron paul. hell cut spending, get out of other countries' business, and get rid of the excess stupidity in government.


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