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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bishop E.W. Jackson Message To Black Christians


  1. Wish he was running. Somone with common sense. I would vote for him.

  2. I sincerely hope that his message is heard throughout the black community - especially in their churches - and especially in the liberal jurisdictions of our country.

  3. Great speech Bishop Jackson. I know this was directed to the african american christians but in reality this message should be listened to by ALL christians.

  4. Its a crying shame our first black President was not somebody like Bishop Jackson it would have proud moment instead of an embarrassing incompetent President we have now.

  5. Wow, that was inspiring. Unfortunately his message will be hidden from the people he wants to reach by the main street media. The current President is power hungry and will do all he can to keep the sheep in the pen and on the entiltement tit.

  6. I just showed this to a neighbor that WAS a die hard Obama supporter.

    No more.

    Share this with as many people as possible.


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