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Friday, September 07, 2012

Berlin Residents Frustrated By Constant Flooding

BERLIN -- Yesterday’s torrential downpours across the region only exacerbated an already dicey flooding problem in Berlin as streets flooded and water rose well past the comfort level in some neighborhoods.

In late August, a historic storm ravaged Berlin, flooding streets, washing cars off the roadway and depositing several feet of water in homes in some neighborhoods. Just two days later, Berlin officials addressed concerns of residents about the town’s chronic flooding problems and promising there was a long-range plan in place to address the issue.

On Thursday, soaking rains fell over Berlin for much of the day, causing extensive flooding in the usual trouble spots. Berlin crews were seen in some areas pumping flood water with heavy equipment and clearing drains clogged with leaves and debris in other areas. In at least one community, however, help never came.



  1. Oh really? I got some friends living down louisiana, place called new orleans. want to talk about a bad day.

  2. If I lived in Berlin I'd be upset too,but not at the workers who were overwhelmed.They can only do so much and be in one place at a time.Something tells me that this has not ended.Berlin may continue to get pounded with rain and snow for some time.

  3. Move, get a head start on Climate Change.

  4. You don't like it? You have the right to move. Plenty of other people to move in

  5. And guess what? The Berlin FD volunteers responded to atleast 20 calls with 25 volunteers and 6 vehicles between 10pm and 2am due to the flooding.
    The same FD that the town of Berlin cut off all funding to.
    Make sure to vote out any and all of those creeps who voted to cut the funding!

  6. Berlin is lucky we havent had a major hurricane yet. It would be the new Ocean City.

  7. 4:52 Climate change? Hahahahahahahahaha!

  8. Same problem as New Orleans - you live at or below sea level... If there is nowhere for the water to go it has to sit around (or flood an area as it were). Little to no sympathy here. If you honestly didn't believe that this might be a problem when you moved there then you need a quick education.

    Better build on stilts like the outer banks...

  9. I would think it's Public Works' problem to clean out ditches and culverts rether than a fire company's job to rescue flood victims. But, that's just me.


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