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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Are You Kidding Me?

Click on Next Page above to continue with the slide show. Look, right now we're trying to get Officers and morale back in order and I really don't think now is the time to attempt to raise money for a mounted patrol. 

As for the K-9, its bad enough and Officer and a K-9 were punished recently for following orders. The K-9 has been removed from service and the Officer is looking for a job elsewhere. I'll not get into the details right now for the betterment of the Department. 

However, just like everything else out of the Mayor's Office, he tends to conveniently forget that once the FREE money comes in, we the taxpayers must fund future expenses. Right now I think we'll all agree, we need seasoned Police Officers and not horses and dogs. The Wicomico Sheriff's Office provides a great K-9 service to the City. 

I'm going to step a little out of line here and at least expose this. When the City took on their K-9 about a year ago they did NOT have the funds to feed the animal. They did NOT have the funds to house the animal. They did NOT have the funds to cover the Veterinarian bills. ALL of which were covered by the K-9 Officer.

Before the City considers taking on any more of these type projects they should have the proper legislation and funding in place to make it work and NOT at an Officer's personal expense. 


  1. Never met a mounted cop that wasn't a complete jerk. I can almost guarantee they will be used to harass college students and that's it.

  2. I did not know about this. We cannot afford either one of these services.

  3. This is not Ocean City. Can we be a little original here?

  4. We could afford both if the Government would stop feeding and housing criminals and lazy derelicts.
    We could even lower our taxes.

  5. This is like giving a homeless person 2 million dollars and they will waste it and still be homeless.This money will go everywhere but to hire and retain police officers.

  6. OK, it's not a fahr bowt but what's better than a dog & pony show?

    Mebbe they can get a grant to refurbish the old fahr station as a stable!

  7. Couldn't the horse live in Webster's old office? It' housed the back half of a horse for many years!

    P.S., 326, Good one!

  8. The whole idea of the partnership with the cmmunity foundation is to create a fund just for these expenses. I think they would be great additions and applaud the department for pursuing them in a way that would not be a taxpayer expense.

  9. More money means more attitude. It is a no win situation.

  10. City,County and State need to work together.

  11. It is what it is. I don't think anything is going to change.

  12. If we can't keep officers, why do we need to purchase animals? Who's going to take care of the horses? Public Works?

  13. Don't forget the added cost of training a new k-9 handler since they punished the old one and took the dog from him and had to send the new handler through the training. Spite carries a price tag.

  14. Dah , what's up doc , cops and horses what a bunch of BS or should I say HS

  15. A lady mayor and a lady chief , what a mess you've got us in olley.

  16. Mounted unit did not and will not work in Salisbury, Ocean City yes, Baltimore city yes. Trust me been there done that. Our unit ended up being a dog and pony show for parades only, not allowed to enfore the laws becuase there was not any cooperation between the mounted units and the patrol units. Too much animosity between units. Before any officers sign on to be a mountie they need to talk to the old mounted guys. Don't plan on having days off, you can park those cruisers, but those horses need care at least twice a day, even on your days off and guess who will be DIRECTED to do it WITHOUT pay. I doubt they will authorize a civilian to take care of them, or pay the overtime for the officers to take care of the daily duties when the officers are scheduled off. Been there done that.

  17. Joe I like how you put it out there for us to decide. No other news source does that. TY

  18. I think she will quit long before you become Mayor.

  19. Drama,Drama,Drama! That's all woman are.

  20. This reads just like the story out of Ocean City. I think you broke that one as well. And if my memory serves it went National.

  21. I will put my money towards your campaign Joe, but not to this. Someone needs to fix all these departments.

  22. We got rid of the mounted unit because it wasn't practical. This city police department has been more than messed up since Barry Tilghman fired Colbourne Dykes. Time to let it go and let the county take over our law enforcement. Too many chiefs and not enough Indians the way things are now.

  23. Mounted patrol worked very well in Salisbury. So well, it seems to me, that someone killed one of the horses in the pasture...well, died under very suspicious circumstances. I imagine the documents are still around somewhere.

  24. Is anyone else sick of Joe Albero's antics?

    Click on an option to vote

    Yes, he's a douchebag
    Yes, he's worthless
    Yes, and he can't spell
    Yes, he's gay
    Yes, he has a bastard grandson
    Yes, here's hoping for cancer
    Yes, what a tool!
    Yes, Andy Harris hates him too
    Yes, he plagiarizes
    Yes, he's the biggest crybaby



  25. Anonymous 8:48pm AKA JR

    You are one sick puppy.

  26. Is John really that stupid to send something like that?

  27. i personally would rather have more dogs then mounted patrol.. i dont know that last time a horse chased down a criminal, sniff out dope, track a criminal or missing person.. if she wants something for the public to be able to interact with get something useful.. maybe a bloodhound( awesome track dog), or a lab thats good for drug scans.. thos are dogs you can pet and interact with bring to schools and events.. on top of 3-4 more patrol dogs.. i dont see the mounted unit being practical im sure they are more expensive as well..

  28. I heard JR is thinking about running for office on some level. I can't imagine someone like this representing anyone.

  29. 9:17 I'm sure it is John. He never expected Joe to publish it.

  30. Never met a mounted cop that wasn't a complete jerk. I can almost guarantee they will be used to harass college students and that's it.

    September 25, 2012 2:59 PM

    You must be a college kid.

  31. 8:48 PM

    Here's one more click for ya.

    Joe Albero is big enough of a MAN to include your bullshit comment.

    Curious: if you put John Robinson at the BOTTOM of comment, why not put it at the TOP of comment where it belongs?

    You sir, are an embarrassment to the good people of the eastern shore.

    Technically Joe is a come-here, but he has more class than you will ever hope to possess.

    Now run along and go play with your boyfriends.

  32. I saw him kissing up to the Chief on 3rd Friday. He really thinks a lot of himself now doesn;t he?

  33. Your a big man John Robinson picking on a little kid. I will never come into your store again as long as I live.

  34. Joe just kick his ass. We all know you did it once and you can do it again. ;)

  35. Where's your indoor skate park John.

  36. This is exactly why I Love this blog!

    Joe you are Awesome!

  37. Maybe John can donate to the horse fund and ride out of town on one.

  38. I Have Connected The Dots!September 25, 2012 at 9:57 PM

    Well if we connect the dots I am sure it will go something like this.

    John calls Sarah and cries to her about Joe picking on me again.

    Sarah calls Jim Ireton (who is so trashed he can hardly talk) and tells him to write a press release.

    Jim calls Joe and says "You have already WON and I wanted to be the first to say Congratulations!"

  39. I bet JR is regretting sending in that comment now. Idiot!

  40. I Have Connected The Dots! said...


    Albero For Mayor~!!!!!


  41. Here's you sign John!

  42. Seems like the more money the City of Salisbury gets the worse off Salisbury becomes. I moved away many years ago but returned last week to see some old friends and it was terrible. I would have been scared to get out of my car downtown. I grew up downtown, the movies, the stores, the shops, the folks, the park. It was like a completely different city then 30 years ago.

  43. Salisbury isn't the only city that is completely different in the last 30yrs. I travel the US constantly and trust me, America is completely different now. In most areas, It's like what used to be the really bad section of town, is now the whole town now. Sad

  44. Ironic how SBY was built during the days where the only form of transportation was a horse.Now mounted horse patrols absolutely do not fit in.Horse patrols are not only ineffective,but also put the officer at risk.

  45. .Horse patrols are not only ineffective,but also put the officer at risk.

    September 26, 2012 12:32 PM

    Please explain.

  46. Chickens have to be protected from wind drafts.


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