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Tuesday, September 04, 2012


Obama won by 9.5 million votes in 2008. Obama has managed to sign up 15 million people on food stamps since that time, adding to his 2012 cushion. Carter was in a similar position when he ran against Ronald Reagan, only Carter didn’t hand out free shit to anyone with pulse, and he was soundly crushed.

Obama has bought enough votes with free shit that his re-election should be assured. And, let’s not forget, the electoral college elects presidents, not ordinary folk. People will undoubtedly vote themselves more free shit. Nobody believes the economy is going to get any better, or jobs are going to fall from the sky like manna from heaven. The FSA has grown exponentially under Obama, and they are probably quite comfortable with free food, free money, free housing, healthcare and medicine. In 2012, free shit will reign. But, I’m interested to hear what you think.



  1. No, and even O'Malley admitted it.

  2. well my sentiments exactly... About time someone finally realize your vote doesn't count and never did...

  3. On paper, I still have equity in my home but I am not confident I would be able to sell it (and at least break even) if I needed to.

    My children remain covered on my health insurance thanks to the Affordable Care Act, but my out of pocket cost has gone up $1000 in the last two years.

    I am worried about my job situation. I'd have to make major changes if I experienced a drop in wages.

  4. Yep and so is the good old USA if we're being honest. Four years ago the US and Global economy's were at the edge of a cliff, the stock market was tumbling to below 7000. Today the economy is on the road to recovery albeit slow and steady the stock market has reached 14,000. Yes we are better off for sure.

  5. Yes, Osama bin Laden is dead. Nuff said.

  6. 10:59 Tell that to the millions of construction workers like myself that are unemployed or underemployed. You have no clue what you are talking about. I have been unemployed for most of the year so you do not speak for me or the other 28 million unemployed.

  7. Hey 11:12, get a job.

  8. One other thing , I forgot to say,have you warned your children of Satan obama.

  9. Hey 11:16 I had a job and just got laid off. for the 3rd time this year.

  10. 10:59 are you aware that the stock market is being propped up by the feds through something called quantitative easing? Look up Operation Twist.
    We are not better off.

  11. 10:59
    I'm not sure what planet you were on back in 2008 but teh Dow jones was 14,000. After Obama was in office the economy tanked.

  12. 10:59 Are you aware that just recently Fed Chair Bernanek gave testimony to the Senate Banking committee that is scaring the hell out of all prudent knowledge investors and money managers?
    In shades that reek of the McCain/G W Bush warning to democrats Dodd and Frank on the toxic loan situation, another democrat Schummer (senior memeber of banking committee) has choosen to ignore Bernake warnings and advice.
    If one is to be honest, then clearly any and all of these economics fiascos were and are being caused by the democratic party. You can spin it all you want but facts are the facts.
    The federal government can not keep on printing money to prop up the stock market. The money is worthless.

  13. Bin Laden dead...check, Stock Market roaring back to life...check, 4 million new jobs created...check, housing market rebounding....check, Health Care Law done....check, Unemployment (except for 12:01 who is obviously unemployable) down....check, 60,000 US Troops drawn down from Iraq and Afghanistan....check. Without a doubt better off.

  14. Obama, his admin and the democrats had the brilliant idea to print more money to prop up the stock market in order to create a "wealthy effect." As investors' stocks go up in value, they feel weatlthier and spend more money. However, this hoped for behavioral benefit has had no impact on spending.
    This can be chalked up to another Obama failure and most likely going to be the most massive when the stuff hits the fan.

  15. Bin Laden may be dead but Obama screwed that one up also. Look what has happened to the Pakistani doctor who was the informant on bin laden's whereabouts to the CIA. Now the CIA's is going to be hard pressed to ever again find informants.

  16. 1:25 I have had a full time job since I was 16 in the late 80's and going to high school. I have never been laid off from a job until this administration took office. I dont know where you get your numbers but there are still more people unemployed now than before Obama took office. You don't know me or what kind of employee I am. Not my fault the economy is in the crapper because of your beloved President.

  17. LIke I said 2:32, get a job and stop blaming others. You make me sick.

  18. 1:25 it is not only disingenuous but dishonest to give credit to obama for troop withdrawl in Iraq.
    The facts are all US forces were mandated to withdraw from Iraqi territory by Dec 31, 2011 under the terms of a bilateral agreement signed in 2008 by President Bush.

  19. Obama should make you sick 3:05 if for nothing else than what he allowed to happen to the informant that helped the US get bin laden.
    It didn't even cross the mind of that fool obama to make sure that man's security was safe guarded.
    Yeah, you should be sick and so should ever other US citizen.

  20. Im not better off 8 years since O'malley got in!

  21. Rand Paul's attempting to introduce legislation which cuts aid to Pakistan until and if they will turn the informant over to the US where he would be granted citizenship.
    There are no words vile enough to describe obama and the way he is ignoring this.


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