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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Anti-Islam Filmmaker Donated Million Dollars To Obama Campaign

Even though "the movie" was on YouTube for months prior to the collective indignation of thousands of Middle Eastern Islamists all coming together on the eleventh anniversary of September 11th (through a wild coincidence, no doubt), we are being told by our government and our media overlords that we must blame the movie.

You see, if we blame the movie for the burning of our foreign outposts and the brutal murders of four Americans (including our Libyan ambassador who was reportedly raped), we won't blame the burners and the looters and the murderers and the rapists.

You see, if we blame the movie for the Middle East burning, we won't blame the Islamists who are doing the burning and looting and raping and murdering.

Which means we won't further connect the dots and blame Obama's failed Middle East policy; the Obama Doctrine of backing away from the region and allowing events to unfold as America stands idly by -- as the Islamists in the Muslim Brotherhood grab hold of power in Egypt, a country that was once our largest and closest ally.



  1. And the MSM made sure we ignored Ron Paul again. How's that foreign policy working out for you folks? I thought everyone poo poo'd Ron's "blowback fantasy". They love us so much over there for shoving "Democracy" down their throats with tanks and air strikes. And, we're constantly protecting them from terrorism with those daily drone strikes that whoops!, sometimes takes out the entire wedding party.

    Yeah, Ron Paul was a WHACKO! Obama or Robomney, 330 is right, coke or pepsi. Be ready for 4 more years, and Paul is not running next time. America, you made your choice in the primaries..... or have you?

  2. Oh C'Mon, you do not think Obama is behind all this stuff in the Middle East do ya? He hopes to cause this chaos so he looks important to the "BIG DUMMY VOTER" who will vote for him!

  3. 330 is right, coke or pepsi. 6:13 PM

    Who, what and where is 330?

  4. 11:01, When I commented, I was about the 4th comment, I think. It looks like some of the comments previous to mine have been deleted. 3:30 merely stated that choosing between Obama and Romney is like choosing coke vs. pepsi.



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