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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Anti-Islam Film Called Flimsy Pretext For Mob Violence

There have been numerous examples in recent years of Muslims reacting violently to perceived slights from the West against their faith, but some analysts doubt that the attacks on U.S. diplomats in Libya and Egypt on the anniversary of 9/11 fit neatly into this history of extremists defending the honor of Islam.
The mobs that killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans at a consulate in Libya and stormed the U.S. Embassy in Cairo supposedly were incited to violence by a YouTube trailer of a movie, produced by an Israeli American, that depicts the Prophet Muhammad as a pedophile and a fraud.
But Ebrahim Moosa, a professor of Islamic studies at Duke University, is skeptical.


  1. Sounds about right to me. Israel would stage an incident in order to trick Christian America into murdering a bunch of Islamic citizens.

  2. LOL! The HONOR of islam?

    I won't even capitalize the word!

    8:04 I doubt very seriously Israel has control over the muslim brotherhood or al qaeda.
    Are you really that dim or is your hatred of Jews so overwhelming you condone murder?

  3. 9:42
    Nobody said anything about Jews. The comment was about Israel, who is a very corrupt military style government. The atrocities against Gaza alone, are an outrage. Most Nations understand these atrocities, but the US media is controlled by Zionists and therefore, we have less access to real information.

    Research: the USS Liberty

  4. I love how Americans in particular love to tell the rest of the world what's appropriate in their own countries. If your countrymen like to throw water on a wasp nest best course of action is to stay out of those countries. Islam doesn't care what Americans feel is appropriate or not no more than America consults Islam in its affairs.


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