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Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Analyst: O'Malley's DNC Speech Better Than 2004

Gov. Martin O'Malley only had a few minutes to get his points across at the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday night, but he did so with vigor, and one analyst told 11 News that he definitely redeemed himself from his convention speech in 2004.

O'Malley walked onto the stage to a cheering crowd at the convention in Charlotte. A major theme of his speech was about moving America forward, not backward. He said America needs to re-elect President Barack Obama for another term to do so.

"Maryland always chooses to move forward. We understand that progress is a choice. Job creation is a choice. Whether we move forward or back, this too is a choice, and that is what this election is all about," O'Malley told the crowd.



  1. 9-5-12
    O'Malley says voters in Ohio should have 'Buyers remorse' for electing their current Governor.
    Just tell me what the hell we should have in Maryland for electing a jack-ass like him and Mike Miller and Mike Busch?
    Collectivly they are the all time dumb-asses of the world only to be superceded by Barrack OweBama.
    If I were O'Malley I would try to write a better epitaph than the current trend of squeezing every dollar thru taxation for everything imaginable from his constituancy. Its a damn good thing HE isn't able to run again and a shame MOST of the Maryland voters won't have the chance to channel THEIR VOTERS REMORSE toward HIM! I encourage O'Malley to run for President or Senator for which he is grooming for now so the voters of Md. can show him just how BIG an ASS they really feel HE IS! Wow, What a loser!

  2. What a loser! Jobs in MD, wrong. Marty needs to move on to DC and leave us alone.

  3. I think he's buckin for O'Bamie so hard so he can secure a job for himself when we give him his pink slip.

  4. The last thing O'Malley knows about is job creation and moving a state forward.


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