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Saturday, September 22, 2012

An Update From A Viewer On Mayor Ireton

Joe, the mayor Laura Mitchell and her husband as well as his ex daily times flunky are here in the park with a bunch of peaceniks . He gave a speech and led a peace walk while ignoring the epilepsy association who was having a function right next to them .


  1. Be careful Joe. It is Saturday night. You could be in for another phone spoof.

  2. How much is that Firefighters Grant really costing tax payers in Salisbury. Today September 22, 2012 from 8am until 3pm the Salisbury Fire Department rented the Civic Center to conduct "testing." How much rent is Salisbury paying or is that a donation? There are numerous fire department personnel participating in this event? How much is the overtime costing tax payers or is that volunteer time? How much is this grant really costing tax payers? Enquiring minds want to know and deserve an answer.

    Who drove all those big fire trucks inside the Civic Center and why? It was a beautiful day outside and you couldn't ask for better weather so why were all of those fire trucks placed inside the large Civic Center for testing? Again how much did it cost and who paid for it?

  3. So? Maybe if the Epilepsy Assoc. had invited him to their event he would have come after his other commitment. He has manners and would not intrude on any event to which he was not invited. How 'bout that? You'd probably be the first one complaining if he had come to the event uninvited! Geez, ya just can't make some people happy no matter what you do!

  4. 8:16 I doubt very seriously if the Mayor had stopped by the Epilepsy Assoc that he would have been scolded for it. That assumption is ludicrous. I don't think it's a hugh deal that he didn't pay his respects but I do think an elected offical shouldn't have just walked right past it without so much as a cursory hello how are things going type of comment. This atleast gives the appearance of not only caring but also knowing what is going on in the community.

  5. I have to think about this but in the meantime I'm too busy laughing at JT. This time the Happy Larry in his compelling need to call attention to himself is bashing the Atlantic Hotel in Berlin.
    The cluelessness in him thinks it's perfectly okay for the Chamber of Commerce to directly compete with one of it's members at an event held in Berlin. He's too stupid to even know the function of the Chamber which is to promote it's membership.
    It makes you wonder who in the heck raises people such as JT with very little intelligence and who refuse to stop showing their stupidity even when confronted with facts.

  6. If you notice JT only has a few friends or sources in Berlin, Crisfield and Ocean City. He is jumping on the bandwagon of attacking anyone in politics if someone will listen to him. Have you also noticed he rarely has anything on Salisbury anymore unless Barrie or Mike Dunn feed him info to attack DC.

    What is truly funny is his need to post things about Crisfield or the Somerset Co. BOE. Again and limited mentality with limited sources. Most people don't even care about what goes on in Crisfield, but JT has one or two people down there that feeds him information. What dirtbags!

  7. I saw the ignorant statements about the Atlantic Hotel and the Chamber of Commerce. He is truly clueless as to the role of a Chamber of Commerce which no doubt comes as a surprise to no one. I hope the Berlin Chamber gets a crapstorm of phone calls tomorrow demanding to know why members should support them when they feel it's okay to directly compete with them.
    To sell beer was a poor decision on the Chambers part. They were without question wrong.
    As far as his OC posts, I've heard from more than one voter and there are several emails circulating where people are saying to not vote for who JT endorses because he's says and allows such hateful things and it says alot about the candidates character who allow him to endorse them.
    I personally will not ever vote for anyone he endorses just on principle.

  8. The funniest was when he got to bloviating (because he needs to puff himself up) about how he filed a FOA with the BOE of Somerset Co to get some video of fight. Ohhhh everyone should be so scared because he filed this FOA-LOL. I'm sure the FOA got filed right in the circular file since we've not heard a word about it since.

  9. JT and his cronies are wrong again as usual. Chamber of Commerces duty and role and goals are to further the interests of it's businesses. You do not compete with the businesses who you are supposed to be promoting. It's counterproductive and wrong to expect members to pay dues and then have you compete with them.
    The decison to sell beer by the Chamber at the Berlin festival was boneheaded. If they want to sell something they need to find something that is not in direct conflict with what the area businesses are selling.

  10. I personally will not ever vote for anyone he endorses just on principle.

    September 23, 2012 10:53 AM

    To me, you are displaying bad principle.

    To vote or not vote for someone based on someone else's recommendation is not responsible.

    Vote for the candidate, his past performance and future goals.

    THAT will really SHOW them.

  11. Ireton and Mitchell are Democrats first and everything else comes second, third, fourth, etc.

    I could not belong to either party at this point and sure am glad I went Independent in 2000. Just wish we had something to choose from.

  12. Jim Ireton many of us are counting down the days that you leave office. What would be even better is watching you leave the GOB in handcuffs just like we wanted to see happen to Barrie Parsons Tilghman. You 2 have been the most corrupt politicians in the history of Salisbury.

  13. September 22, 2012 10:58 PM

    I saw those fire trucks in the main arena of the civic center and also wondered who was paying for it. Joe do you know what is going on with that? I know the rent for the civic center isn't cheap.

  14. What would be even better is watching you leave the GOB in handcuffs

    The perv might like that. Maybe we will get lucky and gay tard will move to rehoboth after Joe trounces his butt in the coming election.

    Crap, he will probably like that too.

    I don't know which is worse. Salisbury electing someone like him to office or school board letting someone like him teach kids.

    Silver lining is he can't reproduce.

  15. I could not belong to either party at this point and sure am glad I went Independent in 2000. Just wish we had something to choose from.

    September 23, 2012 2:25 PM

    'Belonging' to a party is part of the problem with this election crap.

    People are more concerned with doing what their 'party' wants, dictates, blah blah blah, that they stop thinking for themselves and who is better for the country.

    Everyone should be an 'independent' thinker and therefore, voter.

    Anything else is just sheep following a shepard.

  16. "Have you also noticed he rarely has anything on Salisbury anymore unless Barrie or Mike Dunn feed him info to attack DC."

    Dunn ought to be reaching out to JT's high rolling (you know the ones who are going to boycott the Atlantic-LOL) readers for some donations to his DPR. Looks like the station is hurting for donations.

  17. 11:49, No I am not voting for anyone JT endorses. The negative mudslinging that JT allows without anything to back it up, reflects on his candidates character. Such a candidate with that character flaw is not to be trusted. It shows deception-one who will look you in the face, say one thing and do the opposite. It's a dishonest way of campaigning and dishonesty has no degree. You are either dishonest or you aren't, there is no middle.
    A candidate should be focused on their accomplishements and promoting their goals, not engaged in mudslinging or allowing someone else to do it and then say they have no control like the Obama campaign is doing.

  18. Alot of people stand by their principles and refuse to vote for those who are so common as to allow mudslinging. That principle being of a higher class and standard and people who refuse to budge and take the low road like some of the candidates do. There are candidates who don't do this as well as have a good record.


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