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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

American University Professor Adrienne Pine Breast-Feeds Her Sick Baby During Class

A controversy is brewing at American University after a professor breast-fed her baby during class and the school newspaper picked up on the story.
Professor Adrienne Pine   is an assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology at the university and it was the first day of the semester. Her baby was sick so she brought the child with her to class. 
In an online blog, Pine wrote  : "So here's the story, internet: I fed my sick baby during feminist anthropology class without disrupting the lecture so as to not have to cancel the first day of class. I doubt anyone saw my nipple, because I'm pretty good at covering it. But if they did, they now know that I too, a university professor, like them, have nipples. Or at least that I have one." 


  1. She should not be bringing a sick infant to class! Poor parenting.

  2. OK to breast feed if that's what you choose, however, I personally don't believe taking a child to work is an option, and especially when the child is sick, and breastfeeding w/o covering up in a public place, well that just takes common sense, which this woman lacks.

  3. What a shining example of motherhood. Bringing a sick baby whose immune system is compromised by illness into an incubator (as classrooms are known to be) of unknown germs.

  4. WTF is Feminist Anthropology? More troubling than the obscenely paid professor breast feeding in class is the class itself. Liberal feminist horsecrap being shoved down our kids throats, while the professor pulls down a huge salary that includes generous time off. Teachers are robbing this country blind while portraying themselves as martyrs. Like Chicago teachers striking when they pull down 76,000 BEFORE benefits.

  5. Leave it.... It is nobody's business but her & her students. Any student offended by this is a prude who could have turned his head or closed his eyes.. Just a bunch of critical rabble rousers looking for trouble..

  6. Leave it... It's nobodys else's business, except for a bunch of rabble rousers looking for trouble.. MYOB

  7. Well, it sure gave the students a lot to talk about that evening in their dorms. Back in the 70's at Salisbury University, our class had to endure the teacher's personal birth video and witness her breastfeeding her child with no covering up...for sociology of children class. I still remember it to this day!


  8. She should learn to share.

  9. I agree with 8:51 and "leave it." This woman got her much needed and longed for 15 minutes of fame. Her compelling need for attention is what this is all about. No decent mother would EVER dream of taking a sick baby out in public. That fact alone shows she had other motives.

  10. She's just "showing off" which it seems all these breastfeeding zealots do.

  11. Was the child one of her students? I believe in class participation!

  12. What sparked this is the students found the whole incident distracting. The baby crawled on the floor, the professor mother had to keep getting things out of the baby's mouth and shoo her away from electrical outlets besides the breadfeeding show.
    Student's should not ever have to put up with 75 minutes of distractions just so a professor can make a name for herself. Nor should they be knowingly exposed to this sick child either.
    The professor claims to be shocked and annoyed that this is even an issue. What did she expect? Students are there to learn and not watch her babysit.

  13. I wonder if one of her students brought their child to school if she would get upset. She is at WORK...she gets paid to teach not care for her child. If the child is sick stay home with it. It's called parenting. Work is for working.

  14. Exactly 10:18. If she can't afford a sitter which she is claiming then she needs to be held accountable for having a child which she admittedly can not afford. Those students aren't there to hear her poor me stories nor see her germ infested kid crawling all over the floor, nor is anyone interested in having to see a snot nose kid hanging from her teet.

  15. Moonbattery is afoot.....

  16. You should not bring your child to school. You should not bring a sick child anywhere except the DR. You should not breast feed in public. This is a prime example of education does not equal smart.

  17. I agree that you shouldn't bring a sick kid to work. I'm not bothered by public breastfeeding. We all have nipples. Some of us have 3. I mean, wait.....what?

  18. DUH!The title of her class explains her nutty behavior.


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