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Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Are you constantly tired and do you feel incredibly stressed almost all the time? Well, that means that there is a really good chance that you are a typical American worker. Even though our incomes are going down, Americans are spending more time at work than ever before. In fact, U.S. workers spend more time at work than anyone else in the world. But it was not always this way. Back in 1970, the average work week for an American worker was about 35 hours. Today, it is up to 46 hours. But there are other major economies around the globe that are doing just fine without burning their workers out. For example, the average American worker spends 378 more hours working per year than the average German worker does. Sadly, for many Americans work is not even finished once they leave the office. According to one recent survey, the average American worker spends an extra seven hours per week on work tasks such as checking emails and answering phone calls after normal work hours have finished. Other Americans are juggling two or three jobs in a desperate attempt to make ends meet. Americans are busier than ever and work is often pushing the other areas of our lives on to the back burner. What this also means is that “family vacations” are becoming increasingly rare in the United States. In fact, Americans spend less days on vacation than anyone else in the industrialized world. While some would applaud our “work ethic”, the truth is that the fact that we are being overworked is having some very serious consequences. In fact, as you will see below, Americans are literally being worked to death.
The following is an excerpt from a comment that one reader posted on one of my recent articles. Can you identify with what this family is going through?….
I always try and remember to be thankful and say prayers of gratitude for the blessings I have, however I can tell you that my wife and I are getting more and more exhausted.
Straight forward payroll taxes nailed us for $35k last year and the dozens of other taxes are often over-looked but also hitting us harder and harder.
My wife works 14 hour shifts at her dialysis clinic 3 days a week and every other weekend. On the Tuesdays and thursdays she has off she ends up resting half the day to give her poor feet a break since a nurse on her feet 14 straight hours of continual busyness is exhausting.
On top of that, her company has had a pay freeze for 3 years, has dropped Holidays down to just 2 per year ( Thanksgiving and Christmas of which she must work 1 of them), has canceled the reimbursement of her CEU’s ( medical professionals are required to continue to take schooling and classes for their entire career in order to renew their licenses) –also they no longer match 401k’s and her company health plan just bumped up $30 per week!!


  1. I am sick and tired of working myself to death to pay for entitlement programs for the Democrat voting block. Free cell phones, reparations to black and hispanic farmers, food stamps for everybody and everything, disabiity for those who aren't disabled only lazy, meanwhile my profession, nursing, stand on our feet for hours, get vomited and defecated on, work nights, weekends and holidays just to pay for the leeches of society that keep voting in these Communists. There wil be a reckoning.

  2. amen, as a nurse it's sad I can't even afford my company's health insurance plan. It would be nice if the state actually did something with my capable ex husband that hasn't worked in 4 years. Everything is a mess. I can't afford healthcare for my child and I yet I get to pay for other peoples healthcare. yay

  3. Right on.

    Working a 50 hours a week with no vacation. Can't afford to support my family on top of excessive government salaries, government pensions and the free stuff Obama is giving away.

    Maybe it is time for the working man's turn at the trough!

    The first step is a vote for Romney!


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