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Tuesday, September 04, 2012

A Message From President Obama

Joe --

Your neighbors in Salisbury are throwing a party on Thursday, September 6th -- and they want you to come.

It's the night that President Obama will give his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. If you were thinking of tuning in, then head on over to the watch party in Salisbury -- because the energy that night will be something else. No one should be at home alone for this one.

Will you be there? Here's all the info:

What: Convention watch party in Salisbury

Where: 618 N Pinehurst Ave
Salisbury, MD 21801

When: Thursday, September 6th
8:30 pm

Dear Mr. President, ROTFLMAO!


  1. now that ought to be a party to see hope they dont have a traffic jam over there

  2. I think we should all go and put an empty chair in the yard at 618 N Pinehurst Have

  3. I love 4:01's idea!


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