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Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 9-27-12

Hey Joe, This isn't really a comment about the "official language" article, but instead a request for another article, one about how much WBOC and CBS SUCK! Last night they put on a video article about Romney and Obama stumping in Ohio. The article featured an interview with an obvious Obama supporter reciting a list of made-up bull crap reasons why Romney wasn't a good choice for president. the MSM is now providing Obama with free advertising and calling it news!!!


  1. I sit at my job each day and see on the news how much Obama is destroying Romney in the race and how great Obama has done in his term as President. WHAT FREAKING WORLD DO YOU PEOPLE LIVE IN IT SURE AS HELL IS NOT REALITY. What ever happened to fair and balanced reporting?

  2. Romney can beat Obama on merit easily.

    Romney must defeat the main stream media first.

  3. Get use to it. It's going to get worse before it gets better!

  4. It floors me when people say how great Obama is and how well he has done. What's he done besides having the distinction of building the deficit higher than any other president before him?
    It's just nuts that people think he's qualified to do anything much less be the president.

  5. I don't know why anyone is surprised by this. The media are, for the most part, liberal idiots. They just don't know any better. It is amazing that these are college educated people, maybe that's the problem.

  6. You sound really intelligent 11:25. You know what they say 'better to be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and confirm it'. ahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    Obama 1012

  7. 12:27
    If you are going to use a quote at least get it right instead of slaughtering it.

  8. Hey 12:27, I'm all for Obama being elected in "1012" you freaking moron.

    First and foremost, all anyone needs to remember about Obama is he was born a Mulsim, raised a Communist, and associated his entire adult life with unrependent terrorists who hate America, including his so-called spiritual adviser.

    On a much larger scale, the blacks and other poor in this country are nothing more than useful fools for the Democratic Party. Besides being the party of racism, hate, and bigotry - remember, they are the party that fought against Republicans to free the slaves and pass the Civil Rights Act - Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson in talking about welfare and the Great Society legislation he introduced and which passed, said, "The niggers will be voting Deomcrat for the next 100 years." To paraphrase a Chinese proverb, the Democrats knew, and still know, that if you give a man a block of cheese for free, you'll have his vote as long as the free cheese keeps coming. The Democrats couldn't keep the slaves on the plantation, so they've made them slaves of entitlements. Useful fools.


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