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Thursday, September 06, 2012

9/11 Memorial Treated Like 'Disney Attraction'

Show some respect.

That's the message family members of those who died in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center have for tourists they say are treating the National September 11th Memorial like a "Disney attraction."

One week before New Yorkers will gather to mark the 11th anniversary of 9/11, the New York Post reported that visitors to the year-old memorial are treating the somber site as a playground or a picnic area. The newspaper said visitors have been seen splashing water from its two huge waterfalls to cool themselves off and have placed their children's derrieres on the bronze engraved names of the dead.



  1. People have no manners and no class. Just last week a lady in Utah was potty training her daughter in a restaurant at the table! These people need to be called out on disrespectful behavior.

  2. They need to start fining them for such behavior. You can get a ticket for almost anything it seems these days but it's ok to sit on the names of these people? No!!


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