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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

10 Foods That Fight Inflammation - Multiple Sclerosis

Red wine contains a compound called resveratrol, which has been found to have both anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Scientists say the presence of this compound may help explain the so-called “French paradox” as to why the French –who drink red wine with most meals – can eat a diet that’s actually quite high in saturated fats and yet have healthy arteries and hearts. More

1 comment:

  1. Just throw away in the trash your Geritol or any other useless multivitamins and take Resveratrol. Chances are you may also be able to get off quite a few prescription meds also.
    It seems helps with age related eye problems. Since I've been taking it for about a year I've had to go to a lower strength reading glasses. I looked it up and others are reporting this benefit too.


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