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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Woman Held Captive in Philadelphia Basement For A Decade Sues City

A 20-year-old woman whose aunt allegedly beat her and held her captive for a decade in the basement of a Philadelphia apartment building has sued the city, claiming her ordeal could have been avoided if officials had acted appropriately.

Beatrice Weston alleges the city failed to "properly train Department of Human Services workers in child placements," resulting in her being put in the custody of her aunt, Linda Weston, a convicted felon, a statement from her attorney Shanin Specter said. The complaint says the city of Philadelphia failed to release information about the aunt's criminal history.

Linda Weston served eight years in prison for killing her sister's boyfriend in the early 1980s. In that case, the victim "was held captive for an extended period of time, locked in a closet and he literally starved to death," Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey said in October.



  1. Scam! Wanting money.

  2. How is it a scam? Are the other adults that were held with her in on the scam too?

    If I was forced to drink my own urine for 10 years I would want some money to, especially since it was the fault of a government agency in the first place.

    And you would too. You're just another phony poser on here who talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk.

  3. I'm not in favor of lawsuits, but she's on to something. Child Protective Services should be held responsible. Far too many children are being harmed/killed after being released into the hands of murderers. It's time someone does hold CPA accountable. They should do thier job, just as everyone else is expected to do thiers.


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