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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Why Your Local MSM Just Can't Get It Right

To the best of my knowledge and belief, all data submitted in this application are true and correct.

This application has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant.

The applicant will comply with the Assurances and Certifications if assistance is awarded.

Incompetency & Dishonesty are the FIRST things that come to mind. The words you see above came from the FEMA document the Mayor and his Staff attempted to pass off on the City Council. First of all, the document is dated in February. This means the Mayor and Department Heads had MORE than enough time to bring this to the Council and NOT a day before in the hopes of passing off an illegal document.

It would seem Shanie and Laura have no problem supporting Department Heads with dishonest behavior.

We were told today that WBOC went after the three Council Members who rejecting placing this grant on the agenda. Actually, they blamed the Council for turning it down, they did no such thing. The Council, (again) refused to place it on the agenda and that is all they voted on. The Mayor would like you to believe differently. The Mayor would like you to believe I had something to do with their decision as well, that is untrue and defamatory. The Mayor has NO evidence of any such action and will clearly say ANYTHING to smear my name into a lie.

Keep in mind, there was a $400,000.00 mistake in the numbers Hoppes delivered and IF the City were to have to consider furloughing employees again, guess what, according to the grant the City would have to REFUND almost every penny given to the City. The grant ties ALL Firefighters into that agreement. So if ONE Firefighters is furloughed at any point and time during the grant term the City would have to refund some pretty big bucks.

The Council made the right decision. The Mayor should have put this on the table months ago. The Mayor should have had the Council sign off on the application months ago, he did not.

Shanie Shields statement last night was not only outrageous, it was sickening. She said, "To me, it can be forgiven". Shields wanted to move forward with pushing the grant through, as did Laura Mitchell.

So WHY isn't your local MSM telling the whole story? Why is the local MSM suggesting this is the fault of the City Council? One could easily charge Rick Hoppes with perjury as well as anyone else who signed that document along with the many others Shields and Mitchell claimed are done on a regular basis WITHOUT Council permission.

This is what we call the Good Old Boys. We have a Council majority that is willing to do what is right, what is legal. Why on God's Green Earth would anyone be upset with the City Council when they are truly doing their jobs right.

Jim Ireton stated in his Don Rush interview, the truth is the truth and the truth will always win in the end. Well Jim, the truth WON in the end on this one because YOU even said so.

Expect Mayor Ireton to bring this back to the Council again, even after he said he will NOT do so.

By the way, Mr. Hoppes stated they needed this grant to improve response time. Is there really a problem with response time???? I've never heard someone say, the Fire Department took too long to get here, have you?


  1. Really???? The Council turned down the Grant. It's a simple as that. You can try to spin it all you want but the fact is the fact.

  2. If the response time is to slow it is only because they built the fire house on the wrong side of the drawbridge.

  3. anonymous 3:26, are you mentally challenged. The grant was never on the table, period. Last nights vote was a decision to either place the grant ON the agenda, or not. They voted NO.

    The Fire Chief LIED. There was never a vote on the grant.

  4. Anonymous 3:26pm here.

    I am not mentally challenged I am just a little slow sometimes.

  5. You are the only true local MSM. You tell us things we don't want to know but have to hear.

  6. 3:41 don't worry it happens to all of us at one time or another.

  7. You should add to your lawsuit and go after him for making that statement. How are you or Terry costing the taxpayers any money. The council just saved the us 400 thousand dollars.

  8. They says " It always comes out in the wash"

  9. It's a shame I had to reject the last comment. Come on guys, no curse words. Please reconsider putting up your comments without curse words.

  10. Who did Jim blame everything on before you came along?

  11. We get excited somethings Sorry.

  12. anonymous 3:54, God. Nice to be in such great company.

  13. The Little Joey's have their outfits already and we are pumped for the first Meet and Greet.

    You Are The Man Who Can!!!

  14. Ireton is a Obama, Omalley disciple. They believe that anything they do should not be challenged or questioned. They believe they know what is best for everyone; regardless of being illegal or unlawful.

  15. You have been called that before? Or just heard someone say his name over and over again?

  16. OK if you want to split hairs. The Council voted to not put it on the agenda. The could have voted to put it on the agenda but they voted no. Without being on the agenda the City lost 1.4mm in grant money and 10 additional emergency responders. Hence the Council turned down 1.4mm that is directly related to the safety of the citizens of Salisbury.

  17. "Anonymous said...
    Really???? The Council turned down the Grant. It's a simple as that. You can try to spin it all you want but the fact is the fact.

    August 14, 2012 3:26 PM"

    The way I see it is that quite possibly, the mayor and some council members were ready and willing to agree to a misrepresentation on a federal government docucment.
    It's as simple as that. You can try and spin it all you want but the fact is the fact.

  18. anonymous 4:02, HELLO, did you conveniently FORGET that they, Ireton and Hoppes were OFF on their numbers by $400,000.00 as well?????

  19. I have been involved in several grants. The grants, especially at a Federal level, are quite cumbersome. I would not be suprised, nor would I question if there was an error in filling out a Federal grant. It happens ALL the time. That is why they work with local agencies when a discrpency comes up. They can work through problems. They realize the magnitude of the paperwork and they are human as well. The City Council had it in their power to assist in working throught the kink...however...they decided not to. I am not saying I agree with the grant, or disagree with it, but what I do believe is that this is just a continuation of the circus that exists, and has existed with the Salisbury City Council. It could be that at the end of the 2 year period that the temporary positions unfortuanately had to be that , but at the very least, it would have provided local jobs for people. You can all say that it isn't free money....I agree..but that money is going to be spent, either here, or in some other town. So....why not help our local economy. The answer is becasue of politics. Plain and simple. By not placing it on the agenda, it killed the possibility and they knew it. They weren't loaded up that it couldn't be discussed, and worked out. Wouldn't a better story have been how the council rolled up their sleeves to get the issue corrected for the better of the City? No, instead, the same old crap. Salisbury is the laughing stock of Maryland because of it's city government. Beautiful area, but some dumb people. I am sure that Podunk USA will be quite happy that we missed the boat and the ship will be sailing into their fire department and their economy. The captain of the ship was the Salisbury City Council. Spinning it to make it out that it was illegal and all such stuff is really ridiculous. Like I said, these kind of errors happen often. Can't you see that the folks that applied for this grant were doing it for the greater good? Nobody was making them seek this grant. Unfortunately, local governments have to seek grants these days. The availability of them is declining. I applaud them for going out and looking for them instead of the better staffed, large cities always ending up with them.

  20. No I didn't forget about the sudden realization that more grant money was needed but am more concerned about the sudden forwarding of the deadline and the fact that had the council agreed to put this on last night's agenda the public would not have had a chance to voice their opinions and concerns.
    One question I have is what is the reasoning behind needing 12 more firefighters. After 2 yrs what is the expected costs associated with these 12 new hires. As you mentioned about the furloughs. What other requirements are attached to this grant? Grants never come without specific requirements.

  21. anonymous 4:25, First of all, the Mayor should have allowed the Council to be involved from the beginning, he did not. Hopped was NOT truthful on the deadline, even though the Council continued to ask in work sessions what the deadline was.

    Pulling a fast one at the last second was unethical. The grant expires TODAY. The introduced it ONE day before it expires, yet they've had it in hand since February. Come on now.

  22. I want to add, I am getting in and rejecting comments that simply are not true. I will NOT allow some of the uneducated or lied to Firefighters put up false information.

  23. From FEMA site--"August 10, 2012, 5 p.m. ET: Deadline for submitting FY 2012 SAFER Applications."

    So I am assuming the application was submitted on or before the
    10th of Aug.
    Then it was realized that the "governing body" had not "duly authorized" the application, right?
    Was FEMA then contacted and specifically informed that this mistake and oversight had occured?
    If so, who revealed the oversight to FEMA and where is a document from FEMA saying that this mixup will be overlooked with no ramifications to the city at a later date?

  24. 4:25 the issue isn't what you bring up though your points are valid. The point is the proper procedure for this grant was not followed in correct order. So yes, the council could have put it on the agenda and yes voted in favor of accepting the grant. Now suppose FEMA realizes things were out of order with this grant, then what? Plus the fact that it's kinda dishonest to know things were done wrong but to go ahead and overlook them. That is a serious flaw in one's character.

  25. Dear 4:25, glad you think it could have aaaaalllll been worked out if only they had talked about it. Glad you understand all the different issues at stake. Glad you know what numbers they have to deal with. Glad you think the Council members could trust anything said to them after the b.s. and the errors.

  26. So basically what happened was once the mayor realized the procedure directions on the grant were done out of order (governing body approval before grant submitted), he wanted this "emergency" put on last night's agenda? Why? It was already too late.
    Someone screwed this up and it wasn't Ms Cohen, Ms Campbell and Mr Spies.

  27. Salisbury is the most screwed up city in Maryland~~what's wrong with these people? I mean, the whole freaking bunch!!!! Everything in City Hall is moving the city in a backward motion. I just don't get it.

  28. I guess the only comments you deem as "true" are the ones that support your position. Here's the "truth" The Council is responsible because they chose to make themselves responsible for losing the 1.4mm. That also means they are responsible for the City now not having 10 additional emergency responders. That means they are also responsible for the safety or lack thereof the citizens of Salisbury. They chose politics and pettiness over the lives and safety of the citizens of Salisbury. Nuff said.

  29. anonymous 5:15, FUNNY how you Firefighters IGNORE the Salisbury Police Department and ONLY have interest in your wants/toys.

    The SPD is running ion FUMES, morale is way down, the Mayor REFUSED to increase their pay or fill their staff, yet you want to bellyache about getting MORE than you really need.

    All over response time, yet there's never been a complaint of such or evuidence.

    NOW, if the City were to furlough ANY employee over the next two years, ARE YOU READING THIS CAREFULLY, the City would have to give back almost EVERY cent of this grant.

    It's a RISK none of us are willing to make over 10 or 12 employees. WAKE UP TO REALITY.

    We ALL know once the grant is up us taxpayers would have their salaries slammed down our throats, plus benefits.

    JUST LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SALISBURY ZOO as well as several other departments!

  30. 5:15-Get a clue. The council is responsible for averting a potential crime-Making a false statement on a federal grant application.
    The application specifically states that not only had the council approved it BEFORE it was submitted, but also someone signed off (took an oath) that they council had given approval before they did and sent the application off.

  31. It says alot about the firefighters and others if they willing to go along with what amounts to a fraud.

  32. According to the FEMA site the deadline was on Aug 10 and the has been since atleast July 9th when the site was last updated. So what's the mayor talking about when he said last night he just found out that FEMA moved the deadline up and something to do with it being because of the fiscal year?

  33. Question of the day:
    Do you think that it is okay for a city department head to provide a false answer on a federal grant application?

  34. I found this online in an email date 7/27/12 to nkinhart in one of the posted online briefings.

    "As a reminder, awards made under the Hiring of Firefighters Category require the support of your governing body prior
    acceptance of 4he award. Therefore, by accepting this award you are confirming that you have discussed this
    application with
    your local officials and that there is a clear u derstanding of the long- term obligations of a SAFER grant and that both
    department and goveming body are committed to fulfilling the requirements of this grant immediately upon acceptance."

    nkinhart was in receipt of this email since july27. Why wasn't the coucil informed then? Springing it on them at the last moment last night wasn't right. Any sensible person would need time to do their own research and think about what questions needed to be asked. If there isn't time to do things correctly then don't do them at all because that could lead to a big mess and Salisbury well knows about messes.

    1. Does all of this put the organization if the city government in question? I mean how much business can be conducted in the number of scheduled meetings allotted to the council?

  35. 4:25 your statement"I agree..but that money is going to be spent, either here, or in some other town. So....why not help our local economy" WOW typical libtard spendaholic, democratic, marxist commie remark..Can you say PORK....Your statement Sums up the whole national problem, issue and solution all in one. I dont live (Thank god) in Salisbury but any fed $ you get!!Yes is not free..but it hurts me and the nation..So Stop this madness JUST SAY NO. How much dam money does the FD need? You guys make me sick.. Why not get groth to pay for groth, yeh your past council and mayor screwed you all good. Now you finally have a council thats on the ball and not a rubber stamp for anyone, but the people....the three new council members are whats is coming to all you abnormal silver spoon fed libtartds..who seem to think money still grows on TREES. Just wait until you get Joe in office man with the 3 council members the city may actully prosper instead of becoming a $CRACK DEPENDENT SEC 8 slum to the FEDs

  36. 4:25

    Maybe Podunk USA needs it more than you do. Salisbury is always down on the smaller communities. You received a million dollars for a fire boat last year. When do you have enough? There are other communities that have needs. The County gives the Volunteers in Salisbury thousands of dollars every year. Where are the Volunteers? Are they responding to any calls?

  37. So, as I understand it, the document was made and signed for One million even in February. Now, the day before it's due, somebody finds out it has to go to Council and get signed off on (a 3 week minimum), slaps his forehead and says, "crap! I forgot the benefits package!" So, he erases the $1million, and adds another $400,000 to the signed document and shoves in front of the council as an "emergency"? Do I have this right?

    Good thing we got a 3-2 rejection on perpetrating this fraud!

  38. As a mother of one of our great Salisbury firefighters the city council should be ashamed! Quit playing a power/control game with your positions. I can only hope you never need one of SBY's firemen or EMS staff in an emergency . . . . . there might not be enough to go around. Who do you think gets up in the middle of the night to help those in need while you are tucked in your safe house ? Where were you this morning when they helped a family to safety from their burning house ? Who was on the by-pass 2 weeks ago for a fatal accident with an 11 year old? Need I say more? Jim and Shanie - good for you this time, but as far as the others . . . . .I hope the people of Salisbury remember this at next election. I, for one will remind them !!!!!!

  39. anonymous 8:23, Oh Please, we've heard that line till we're blue in the face.

    WHO do you think gets paid big bucks to DO THEIR JOB in the middle of the night in Salisbury? Those comments truly make me sick to my stomach. Oh, then there's the old, you may need us one day. Oh, are we all supposed to pay MORE for the service we already pay for?

    Being that you're anonymous, I doubt very seriously that your a mother of a Firefighter and secondly I doubt your even a voter in the City. Hence, anonymous.

    anonymous 8:23, you tell me. Does a crooked Mayor and Fire Chief passing off illegal documents SLOW DOWN the progress of the City Council and take up valuable time?

    Does a Mayor who constantly hands the Council proposals at the last minute not allowing them time to do ANY research take up their valuable time away from their Families?

    Yes, I'd say the administrative portion of this administration totally screws up the Council and their ability to get things done right and even legally.

    It's always a catch 22 with this Mayor. Damned if they do and damned if they don't. IF the Council voted YES, just think of all the crap Ireton would have presented at the next election against certain Council Members, or did you conveniently forget that as well.

    We have a very disfunctional government at this point and time. I plan on changing that immediately.

  40. 8:23
    Give me a break. How many actual days do the FF/EMS work? If it is such a problem for them to drag their butts out of bed for a call I suggest they find another career. There are also other professions that get up when they don't want to and go to work.
    I will say this one more time. There are consequences for ever action you take. You know them before you make your choice. Stop complaining about a CHOICE that they made.
    The counsel can NOT move forward on something that is not complete.
    Get off your high horse

    Mother of a Volunteer Firefighter.

  41. 8:23, the issue is that the grant application was filed with false and misleading information on it, which by the way, Salisbury could have been made to pay a significant monetary fine if caught from what I know about providing false and/or misleading info on a federal grant application. Is that okay with you? IF so that says alot about your character and I hope your son didn't inherit your dishonesty gene.

  42. 8:23 says-" Quit playing a power/control game with your positions"

    "power/control game?" How can you equate doing something properly and according to specific instructions as a "power/control game?" The blame lies squarely on the back of whoever signed and then submitted the application without council approval-PERIOD! There are NO if's, and's or but's about it.

  43. Ah boys with their toys....

    As far as the mayor, he is childish, and unprofessional. Perhaps his flip-flops would have been better used running on the beach in the early morning hours at Rehoboth Beach.

  44. Dear 8:23, if you are the mother of a firefighter, you would know how much that department has gotten already while the police are scrambling to find a vehicle not falling apart.

    You would also know that Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen and Tim Spies fought to get furloughs eliminated for rank and file firefighters and their immediate command, just like they did for the police.

    Guess who VETOED THAT BUDGET? None other than your hero, Jim Ireton. Who didn't support overriding it? Shanie Shields.

    This year, the fire department got almost every single thing it asked for.

    Guess who threatened to VETO THIS BUDGET? That's right, your hero, Jim Ireton.

    You tell me who is playing politics here. Either you are not the mother of a firefighter, or you and your son or daughter are being lied to.

    Homeland Security grants do NOT come free. There is always some cost to a town to support what that "free money" brings on. Sometimes it's a good thing to take it, sometimes not. Sometimes bringing the new firefighters on means the current ones never see a salary increase.

    How do I know?

    Sign me,
    Also the Mother of a firefighter (but in another city)

  45. Well, I commented earlier (4:25), but I will comment again. Grant coordinators change dates ALL the time in grants. They move deadlines, change deadlines for reimbusement paperwork, all sorts of things. No, I am not a liberal, but rather conservative. I don't however, have my head planted up my butt and realize that the few grants that are out there that are actually for a good cause, and not some B.S. social program, are worth going after. This was a deadline for applying for the grant people. Any mistakes were correctible. WORST case scenario....they decline awarding you the grant. Look, this ain't my first dog and pony show with a grant. I know how they work. It is not some form you fill out and send to an automated system. The people that file for these grants are in consant discussion with the grantor at the other end. If the Feds say that things are okay, then they are okay. Like I said, worst case, you don't get the grant. Instead, more of the same old stuff. One way to look at it is an economic injection. That is money that will be spent at stores, restaruants, etc. No, they aren't free. We pay for them. But if the Feds are going to allocate 20 million dollars on whatever, they are going to allocate it. By us cutting off our noses to spite our face, and saying " I am not taking any of that liberal money" or whatever, you are not only losing out on some extra staffing, but are losing out on something that can help our economy. Even if only for 2 years. My words must have rang somewhat true, as I only had a couple of naysayers. How about we all start working together. We are in it together..right? It doesn't take much effort, or someone swallowing their pride a little, suckin' it up, biting your toungue etc. to change the tone of the City politics. It is called being adults. We need to have good people run for local offices. People that are willing to give their own time..time away from families...time away from friends. Who is going to step up and volunteer if this is what they have waiting for them? Why would anyone in their right mind sign up for abuse? Here is a novel idea...some of you that are so critical could always step up and run for a seat somewhere.

  46. "WORST case scenario....they decline awarding you the grant"

    I think the worst case scenario is the city having to pay a signifcant fine for knowing providing false info on the application. It happens to universities all the time. There is a fed govt dept that investigates fed grants. I believe it's through the Inspector General's office. Some they pull out of thin air and scrutinize and audit.
    And for the record if the feds say things are okay-then get it in writing.


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