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Friday, August 17, 2012

Why Liberals Behave the Way They Do

My smash best-seller “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America” has just come out in paperback — and not a moment too soon! Democrats always become especially mob-like during presidential election campaigns.

The “root cause” of the Democrats’ wild allegations against Republicans, their fear of change, their slogans and insane metaphors, are all explained by mass psychology, diagnosed more than a century ago by the French psychologist Gustave Le Bon, on whose work much of my own book is based.
Le Bon’s 1896 book, “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,” was carefully read by Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in order to learn how to incite mobs. Our liberals could have been Le Bon’s study subjects.



  1. They're emotionally compromised.

  2. I had the pleasure of sitting in on for a day at occupy wall street in D.C. The main stream media has done a great job of making them into anarchists and socialist, but that is pretty far from the truth. There was no pro-obama rederic there, many democrats that i spoke to had the same concerns as tea party members. People who had voted for Obama felt like they had been duped.
    I think a lot of the confusion comes simply from a generation gap. These are young kids that dont know a whole lot about the world but know that what they are seeing is wrong, and they are ready to stand up against it.
    This is why i believe Ron Pauls message has resonated so strong with youth in this country. He is showing them that you can address social and economic injustices better by being a fiscal conservative than by engineering a welfare state.
    Of course there are radical liberals in the mix just like there are radical conservatives but they are far fewer, and much less scary than main stream media would like you to believe. Unfortunatly someone completely out of whack with reality who seems to have his foot perminatly fixed to his mouth (Romney) is going to really stir up the liberal hardliner hornets nest. The trick is to remember that there really arent many American citizens out to ruin the country, left or right, so civil dialogue is the only thing that will lead us out of the problems we are facing now. The only thing is, there is no one on the ticket this fall that is willing to make the decisions that need to be made.

  3. "so civil dialogue is the only thing that will lead us out of the problems we are facing now."

    Tell that to these looney toons socialist morons in the Democratic party.

  4. They are cult like. They seem to be filled with anger and hate. I have heard it described as a mental disorder and their behavior in simply a manifestation of the disorder.

  5. Like Ann Coulter stated in her successful book: Liberalism is a mental disease


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