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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why Birtherism Is No Laughing Matter

Whether or not he intended it to, Romney's "joke" put a spotlight on his white privilege.

Poor Mitt Romney has lost his way. On the road to the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., he appears to have taken a detour into the swampland of Birtherism.

Last Friday, during a campaign rally in his home state of Michigan, Romney said  , "I love being home, in this place where Ann and I were raised, where both of us were born. Ann was born at Henry Ford Hospital. I was born at Harper Hospital. No one's ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that is the place we were born."

The largely white crowd laughed and cheered.



  1. "the largely white crowd" - being white I can tell you I am so offended by that. How dare they use racist language against me just because I'm white.

  2. Why doesn't Obama have a birth certificate and why is everyone who asks about it an instant racist?

  3. The left is trying to make being white offensive.

  4. Obama was born by his white mother. Why do people always refer to him as our first Black president? Why does he hide his real roots? Who is this man, and what is he capable of? Who else is behind all this? Those are the things we should all be thinking about.

  5. Right, he shouldn't even be running for the Office.

  6. Nobama won't produce his birth certificate because it will prove he is an African American.

    Libbies are losing the battle with the race card because more and more whites are fighting back.

    Why they couldn't just be happy that black americans were succeeding in our society is beyond my comprehension.

    But at the end of the day I am sick of hearing 'white' anything as if it's a bad thing.

  7. This article is a load. Where is BOs birth cirtificate and why wil he not release his college records?

  8. I don't believe he is from this country, and I don't believe he ever graduated from the colleges he said he did. He is a fraud, a failure as a president, and frankly a liar. Sorros is the puppet master and feeding him the money. obama is a threat to our great american nation.

    If he wants to "rule" somewhere, I suggest finding all his roots, relatives, records and go to Kenya along with his family and stay there. He sickens decent people everywhere.

    He thought he had everyone fooled, at some point, you have to produce results and he has failed the American people no matter what your race is. Do you have a job, a home, enough money to pay your bills? Or are you living on government funded welfare, which is going to dry up faster than social security? If you think obama is for you and fighting for you; you better wise up fast. He is out for himself, and his family on your backs!


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