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Monday, August 13, 2012


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  1. We don't need corn , we have made the big farmers rich and little farmers poor. Big government pays the big farmer not to grow , he is paid for what he grows , he is paid for lack of rain , he is paid for crop damage. Lets face it , most of these guys are driving new Cadilac Escalades and laughing all the way to the bank.
    The grow corn for fuel that ruins your engine , they grow corn for most of the 3rd world countries and the countries never see a grain. They grow corn for the middle east countries that hate us.
    My plan is to grow more wheat and oats , problem is solved , these are always grown during seasons of good rain. The nutritional value is far superior to corn.
    Corn is good for making booze.

  2. They grow mass amounts of corn to feed factory farmed animals. No corn no meat. Wouldn't that be nice.


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