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Friday, August 17, 2012

Which Blood Type Has The Lowest Risk Of Heart Disease?

Here’s another reason to know your blood type — it might be a clue to your risk of heart disease.

People who have blood types A, B, or AB have a slightly higher risk of heart disease compared to those with type O, the most common kind, according to research released Tuesday.

Those who know they are at higher risk may be more motivated to make changes to lower their chances of heart disease, said Dr. Lu Qi, senior author of the study from Harvard School of Public Health in Boston.

“We cannot change blood type but we can change lifestyle,” said Qi, who led a study released last year that showed blood type may affect stroke risk.

The new study involved about 90,000 men and women in two observational health studies that cover more than 20 years. Combined, 4,070 people developed heart disease. The researchers considered age and other factors like diet, drinking, family history of heart attacks that could contribute to heart disease.

The increased risk for type A was 8 percent; type B, 11 percent; and type AB, 20 percent.


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