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Friday, August 03, 2012

We Should All Love Fed Transparency

Ron Paul’s signature Audit the Fed legislation finally passed the House; on July 25, the House bill was passed 327 to 98. But the chances of a comprehensive audit of monetary policy — including the specifics of the 2008 bailouts — remain distant.

Why? Well, the Fed doesn’t seem to want the sunshine. Critics including the current Fed regime claim that monetary policy transparency would politicise the Fed and compromise its independence, and allow public sentiment to interfere with what they believe should be a process left to experts dispassionately interpreting the economic data. Although the St. Louis Fed makes economic data widely available [14], monetary policy is determined behind closed doors, and transactions are carried out in secret.

Bernanke [15]:

We fully accept the need for transparency and accountability, but it is a well-established fact that an independent central bank will provide better outcomes.


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