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Friday, August 03, 2012

Union Rights Extend To More Maryland State Workers

While many states’ lawmakers enact policy unfriendly to unions, Maryland legislators expanded collective bargaining rights to more state employees for the third year in a row.

As of July 1, employees of the Office of the Comptroller, Maryland Transportation Authority, the State Retirement Agency and the Maryland State Department of Education can unionize.

The legislation could add 5,000 employees to the collective bargaining pool, said Lawrence Myers, spokesman for Democratic Gov. Martin O'Malley’s finance office.



  1. would be nice for the employees if they could be represented by real unions...what they have now is AFSCME (american federation of state county and municipal employees) and MCEA (maryland classified employees association) does anyone see the word UNION in either of those names??? you dont see it because they are not unions...period

  2. Oh, I get it. They are now entitled to have the State take $13.68 of you pay and give it to the Union. Isn't organized crime great?

  3. Smoke screen....you must dig deeper. The governor can and has over ruled the two unions previously mentioned. They are worthless. There is no protection for any state worker period.

  4. well, stupid is as stupid does...

  5. Union shake down, taxes will rise to satisfy them for now.


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