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Thursday, August 02, 2012

UC Davis Pepper-Spray Cop Finally Off The Force

Lieutenant John Pike’s long reign of burning, eye-watering terror is over. The University of California, Davis, cop that made headlines for blasting peaceful protesters with military-grade pepper-spray last year is no longer employed by the school.

Pike, a Sacramento police officer-turned-campus cop, became the target last year of a nationwide campaign spearheaded by activists with Occupy Wall Street and Anonymous after images of him discharging bursts of pepper-spray at the faces of seated UC Davis protesters went viral and caught even the mainstream media’s attention. Outrage over the incident eventually propelled the school to launch an internal investigation into the events of November 18, 2011, and following months of paid administrative leave, a campus official confirmed this week that the school no longer employs. Lt. Pike.

"Consistent with privacy guidelines established in state law and university policy, I can confirm that John Pike's employment with the university ended on July 31, 2012," UC Davis spokesman Barry Shiller tells the Sacramento Bee.



  1. Good Riddance, It's a shame he will still probably end up working on the force in another city.

  2. Your right 2:08.

    This guy possesses the attributes cops praise.


  3. You must not have seen the video. He was right to blast those morons.

  4. 2:32
    Who's the moron?

  5. Fired for doing his job. However, I'm sure it would have been alright had it been the Tea Party he was spraying.

  6. 2:08 - Maybe one day, upon being a crime of violence victim, you will understand. Until that time, you and your liberal friends continue criticizing those charged with the very tasks of protecting you and ensuring free passsage in public areas. You seem to forget, those that received pepper spray received numerous prior warnings to leave the area and to stop inhibiting pedestrian traffic or face that very consequence of pepper spray. These people are not heroes..... they are spoiled, lazy idiots with no regard for their fellow citizens or our laws. Think about it.....nasal irriatration, eye irritation, throat irritation (all short duration) or be forcefully & physically dragged from the area, with risk of serious physical injuries to both protestors and police......What would you do? Maybe you need to undersatnd the big picture and not just the narrow party line of pacifist liberalism.

  7. @ 2:42

    What you've just said... Is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point, in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this site is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

  8. Armed only with pepper spray,Holmes would have seriously pissed movie patrons off,but they'd still be alive.

  9. 2:42

    I'm a conservative and I think the guy should be euthanized and
    Not on administrative duty with pay for six months.
    He is not fit to be a cop.
    Hell, he's not fit for any public service or to draw another breath.

  10. 3:07 - Reading comprehension problems?

    2:42 - Some people have not idea what force vs. excessive force situations even are. Like children they whine and cry because they aren't just allowed to run amok.

  11. 3:07 - Reading comprehension problems?

    2:42 - Some people have not idea what force vs. excessive force situations even are. Like children they whine and cry because they aren't just allowed to run amok.
    August 2, 2012 5:41 PM

    LOL. I was gonna post something similar, regarding your first post, but you beat me to it.


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