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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Turns Out Hiding $250K Worth Of Meth Inside Snickers Bar Wrappers Won’t Fool Authorities

Like the wolf in sheep's clothing or Tony Curtis in Some Like It Hot, putting a different wrapper on something and fooling everyone only works in fictional situations or when trying to trick actual sheep/Marilyn Monroe. U.S. customs agents are trained to catch people trying to hide stuff, which is why coating lumps of methamphetamine in chocolate and dressing them in Snickers wrappers didn't work out too well for one man accused of trying to smuggle $250,000 worth of the drugs into Japan.

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  1. I love a frozen Snickers Bar.

  2. Bad choice, Japan. Looking at a life sentence with some baaaad jailers with some very rigid rules.

  3. I'm sure it was only found because they abused there power and stole one to eat it.

  4. Speaking of Tony Curtis, anybody remember when he was an anti-smoking spokesman, snapping a rubber band he wore around his wrist as an aid to quit?
    Then he was busted for grass possession and he was quietly removed from the anti-tobacco campaign.


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