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Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Today's Survey Question 8-7-12

Will you be buried or cremated?


  1. Neither. I Plan on living forever.

  2. i hear there's a new thing where you can be turned into dirt and buried with a seed so it grows into a tree. totally doing that!

  3. Buried. As a friend of mine once told me I, I didn't come in this world a ball of fire, and I don't want to leave it that way either.

  4. 11:30 haven't you ever heard of "ashes to ashes, dust to dust?"? I am being cremated. All this land being taken up to bury bodies is stupid.

  5. Cremated, why waste valuable land

  6. Cremated, why should I pay for a hole in the ground? Money better spent while I'm alive

  7. Cremated, after letting science have it's way with my body. Why not let a medical student learn something?

  8. My body will be tossed into the local landfill I no longer be of any use to anybody I think its part of the new Obama care.

  9. Cremated. If my family pickles me and puts me in the ground I'll haunt them.

  10. Cremated and ashes spread over the diamond shoals, same as my Pops.

  11. donation of my body to the pig farm for forensic studies or to classroom study as long as what ever is left remains the property of the institution and not turned over with a disposal cost. To help people some how live better or safe would be the greatest of all blessings

  12. Cremated, even though my first choice is composted.

  13. Donated my body to science. When they are done with me I'll be cremated and buried.


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