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Monday, August 06, 2012

Today's Survey Question 8-6-12

Should people be allowed to bring their pet to work?


  1. if it is a 'helper' pet, I would say yes. sometimes people will bring pets to nursing homes to cheer up the patients. just to bring a pet to work, no, why would any employer allow that?

  2. cats, dogs, birds -- yes. Snakes absolutely NO.

  3. absolutely not. allergies duh

  4. I say no. People spend enough time on facebook and other internet sites. This is just one more distraction for them. As much as you think your pet is cute others do not always think the same way.

  5. unfortunately not. that would mean everyone could bring their pets. some animals (as well as people) would not get along. although it would be absolutely wonderful if i could bring my dog!

  6. No, there have to be parameters. Of course in the case of a 'helper pet', that would be the exception...

  7. Only snakes and alligators....

  8. No, not everyone thinks of your dog as irresistable . I prefer not to be sniffed or growled at while working. I hate trying to pretend that he is cute and adorable. Love your dog at home or hire a sitter...plus there are many with allergies to be considered.

  9. no and they should not be at restaurants either - hello market street and brew river! only service pets should be allowed at work or eating establishments.

  10. Why not? People are allowed to bring their kids to work and in most cases, the pets are better behaved than the kids. Always crying, yelling, running in the hallways just being too loud. Your pet will lay by your desk and sleep.

  11. NO pets at work. only if you're paying them and they have a soc. sec. number...

  12. no pets at work. Work is for work. Not everyone like your pet. Same with kids.

  13. As long as their pet is a chicken,turkey,or goose that's been cleaned and cooked I say bring it to work.Just make sure there's enough for everybody.

  14. If someone is allowed to bring a dog to work and another employee is bit wouldnt the business be liable for workers comp? I work at a place where this is allowed for two people and it is annoying.

  15. All my employees bring their dogs to work with them!


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