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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Today's Survey Question 8-21-12

What’s the Right Age to Give Your Kid a Cell Phone?


  1. When they are old enough to be left alone without adult supervision.

  2. When they can afford to pay for it themself

  3. When they get a job and purchase their own, and pay their own bills.

  4. There cannot be a definite chronological age. It depends entirely upon the maturity of the child and the diligence of the parent in teaching responsibilty to the little one.

  5. Never.
    Let them get a job and buy their own phone.

  6. WOW...Tough crowd with all of the dictators who will "never" give 'em one. We gave ours one when he was 11 to use in case of emergency.

  7. How old do you have to be to get an Obama phone???

  8. When they earn enough money on their own and can afford one themselves.

  9. 13-14 years of age---- both my girls seemed mature enough at that time, and their schedules were busy enough that it was needed. However, the phones came with parameters.

  10. For us it was as a result of afterschool activities. My twin boys got theirs in 9th grade due to sports and musical events. My daughter recieved hers in the 8th grade due to honors class events. I saw the gift of the phone more of a benefit for me then them at the time. If I can be home doing something rather then sitting in the school parking lot for an hour, I like it. If they were at an away event I couldn't attend, a quick call before they hit the school again saved me from sitting in the lot waiting

  11. When they start driving.

  12. My 8 year old has one. It's so he can call me from his dad's house. His dad refuses to work so he never has minutes on his prepaid phone. It's the only way I am able to contact my son when he is there.

  13. The obamie phone is free to anyone who iis receiving food cards and have a child. There is no limit to the amount of cell phones they can have. Some have said they have 6-12 phones , but , of course some have 6-12 kids without a daddy.

  14. agree with 11:09
    In most events parents can go with the child for games/practice instead of going home, shopping and waiting in the parking lot.

  15. If they live in Salisbury 4 years old.

  16. gave my daughter her first one at 12 years old. partly because she does great in school and it was a reward for being responsible. with the smart phones these days, she uses it as a computer / game system on long car trips and other times. also because i was seperated from my wife at the time, and it was an easy way for us to stay in touch. kind of a little guilt gift too.

  17. let them work and buy their own.

  18. To get a Obama phone all u haves to do is pop out babies like a bubble gum machine and not work.

  19. When the PARENT is at LEAST 18 years of age.

  20. When they can pay for it themselves!

  21. Never. Let 'em get (earn) their own. They'll appreciate it more.
    (p.s. if you don't know where your child is when away from home, giving them a phone isn't going to change that. Frankly they're a PIA in school...no value whatsoever.))


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