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Monday, August 20, 2012

Today's Survey Question 8-20-12

After the recent scandal at the Daily Times and the termination of two Editors, do you believe their reporting has improved?


  1. Sorry, I couldn't say. I don't pay any attention to their paper. It goes directly into the recycling bin when they leave it in my yard.

  2. 8-20-12

    NO, The Salisbury Times isn't worth the paper its written on except for putting on the floor for the dog to shit on. Its a liberal rag the same as the Baltimore Sun only with different writers. They worship such natural asses as Martin O'Malley, Mike Miller and Mike Busch. Their reportings are ALLWAYS skewed toward not what the news is but what they want it to be. The BIGGEST ASS AWARD goes to Liz Holland. She has NEVER got a story RIGHT in her career and according to Greg Bassett, she does a great job and puts forth EXTRA EFFORT. What a schmuck! Its a shame he didn't go out the door with the other incompetants!

  3. Nope... their stupid editorials on global warming are super liberal and unfounded by science.

    Just liberal hit pieces...

    Such a joke.. especially greg bassett... what a total loser

  4. I don't read the Daily Times. But if I was a betting man I would say NO.

  5. I was going to say no, but after giving it more thought I settled on HELL NO

  6. LOL 11:12! I agree with you totally and couldn't have said it any better. I would like to give credit to Jerermy Cox who just recently did write a DT's article (FEMA grant) that wasn't one sided and bias.

  7. only thing I look at is the obituaries online.

  8. they have changed. not sure for better yet. global warming articles over the top. pushing their liberal agenda. unfortunately there are many who will fall for it.

  9. It won't get better until they can Bassett and his cohorts

  10. What a miserable fate to be a tree that's turned into a roll of paper destined for any Gannett press, especially one that prints that rag.

    Continuous downward spiral since its acquisition.

    Subscribed over 20 years and chopped them because of their bias.

  11. Stick a fork in it - it's done.

  12. rearranging deck chairs on a sinking ship. That rag is just that.

  13. rearranging deck chairs on a sinking ship. That rag is just that.

  14. I only read obits..they dont show up here anymore unless it is something wrong with my computer?

  15. Their still in business?

  16. like several others, I check the obits online. I get all of my real news right here from the next mayor!

  17. don't forget the uplifting article on the local drag queen..

  18. How could they get any better they have no REAL reporters anymore. In fact they haven't had any REAL reporters in years.

  19. As long as they report speculation & bias, it will NEVER improve. What's wrong with just reporting the facts, Joe Friday style?


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