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Friday, August 17, 2012

Today's Survey Question 8-17-12

What can be done to stop the mass shootings in the USA?


  1. Stop being so politically correct. When people speak "hate", let them. It gives our law enforcement a heads up on who to watch.

    When they cross the line they're caught.

  2. Undo 40 years of leftist/liberals in the Education system that have created a society of disrespect.

  3. alow open carry and concealed carry everywhere

    people would think twice if they saw an armed crowd

  4. 11:32 comments - a case could be made in regards to a couple of the shooters but most of the shootings are a result of mental instability and lack of people willing to stand up and take down a gunman. I do suspect that a rise in 'girlie men'aka liberals have contributed to this. I don't think it is any accident that when a gunman walks into a conservative venue (this week in DC) that he is taken down immediately without anyone being killed.

    I think everyone should apply to have a gun license (just like a drivers license) with a background check and with said license anyone could buy a gun without waiting periods and be allowed to open carry. Every firearm is tracked and when someone commits a serious crime license is revoked and guns are turned in.
    This way more law abiding citizens have guns freely and those with issues will have a tougher time obtaining guns or carrying out crimes.

  5. The very first thing is to allow police to do their job. The second thing is to punish criminals for their crimes. Install the death penalty in every state. Put them to death in the first year .
    Allow all U.S. citizens to carry .
    Install the Florida law in every state , shoot to kill .
    Let's see how the race card works after this.

  6. Allow citizens to wear and carry!!

  7. Crazy is crazy and I don't think we will ever stop crazy. I do agree the liberals have runined the country, and caused harm to the responsible gun owners.
    As bad as these random shooting reports are; I believe they can't be avoided without much cost. Perhaps store owners could ban together to have metal detectors installed at entrances to the mall, and cameras everywhere;but if a person is mentally disturbed they usually find a way to do destruction.

  8. I think that lumping all liberal men together as 'girlie men, is a far statement. I am a liberal man and i would shoot anyone square in the face if they tried to mess with me or my family. Twice.

  9. I agree with 12:00, well stated.

  10. More mental health availability and more timely referrals.

  11. allow open carry permits

  12. Stop glorifying these violent acts in the MSM.

  13. Make illegal use of a firearm and or possession of same minimum 25 years mandatory with no parole. Criminals will be criminals no matter how they get the guns, becuase they are not afraid of the minimal sentences they will get if they are caught and if they are found guilty.

  14. Absolutely nothing.The acts are way too random to stop.After the shootings everyone is scrambling to determine what could have been done and if there were warning signs.Just accept the fact that mass shootings are inevitable.

  15. Make illegal use of a firearm and or possession of same minimum 25 years mandatory with no parole.

    That stops nothing.

    Because of libtard movies like one flew over the cookoos nest, we aren't allowed to lock up these nutcases into mental hospitals. That's why they live on the street and commit crimes

    August 17, 2012 3:36 PM

    I don't know what that is all about.

    Crazy is crazy and I don't think we will ever stop crazy.


    . I am a liberal man and i would shoot anyone square in the face if they tried to mess with me or my family. Twice.

    August 17, 2012 12:19 PM

    You do not need to own a gun.

    Just accept the fact that mass shootings are inevitable.

    August 17, 2012 9:22 PM

    Eh, maybe, maybe not. One proactive thing people can do is be aware of your surroundings and who is in them.

    Even doing that guarantees nothing but better than sitting there in a fog.

    If anyone really wants to kill anyone, you me or even the president, and are prepared to give their life doing so, they will succeed.

  16. 11:15 has a point. We have to let people be people. If they want to hate someone then fine. To hate someone is their right as long as they don't cross the line and do harm. It's gotten so where kids are required to walk around in a fog of loving everyone. It's creating pent up anger because human nature does not work this way. Children can't express themselves and if they do they are chemically induced (ritalin) to conform.

  17. or we can all catch a short yellow bus out of town!


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