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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Today's Survey Question 8-14-12

What questions would you like to see answered

in the upcoming Mayoral Forums.


  1. What is your favorite favor of Ice Cream?


  2. You have them all answered by time the debates come around.

  3. With property assessments the lowest they've been in years and no sign of increasing, and these being the city's main source of revenue, what are the candidates going to do to cover the shortfall?

  4. first i would like to hear you credentials, education, business experience, etc......

  5. Why are you so darn cute?

  6. What was the event that finally sealed your decision to run for Mayor?

  7. Anonymous said...
    Why are you so darn cute?

    August 14, 2012 11:11 AM

    I was wondering that myself.

  8. How will you be more business friendly without giving away the city?

  9. Will you move your family here?

  10. Why do you blindly follow the phylosophy of Obama,OMalley, Pollitt. Government is not the answer but the problem. We need less government interference and more allowing people to fend for themselves. We don't need government to support us we can do it ourselves, just get off our backs and let us control our own destiny.

  11. Will a new mayor work to get property owners in the city voting rights?

  12. It might help if the person commenting would address who they want the question answered by. Remember there will be 2 people in the Mayoral Forums.

  13. What is the plan for Rt 13 between 50 and the railroad bridge? It is a slum and an embarrassment that this is how people have to come into our city.

  14. Where will the funding to correct the wastewater treatment plant come from? The money obtained by virtue of litigation does not appear adequate.

  15. Mr. Albero, when you are going to fill out the form and officially file making you a legitimate candidate for mayor instead of just talking about it?

  16. I would like to know why whenever there appears to be a need for money, the first thing anyone can think of is to raise taxes on the homeowner? Does anyone ever consider the soul that does their best to maintain their property, pay the water bill which keeps going up every quarter, pay their taxes, and any misc. bills only on social security benefits? You can only wring blood from the taxpayer for just so long!

  17. Mr. Albero, when you are going to fill out the form and officially file making you a legitimate candidate for mayor instead of just talking about it?

    August 14, 2012 12:18 PM

    What's your hurry? It's August, for crying out loud. The election is in April.

  18. What is your vision for he entire city of Salisbury, I heard about downtown. I want to know about all of Salisbury. Are you interested in people? For example, what about the lack of community centers, activities for children and community events to improve the social climate of this area?

  19. anonymous 5:23, lack of community centers, really? What I truly enjoy are people like Sandy Fitzgerald of Pohanka who started "Stop the Violence" have you heard of them. The Salvation Army. The list goes on and on. Great people giving back to their community or as Sandy calls it, Paying It Forward.

    As far as I'm concerned there are plenty of community centers and more importantly good people reaching out to the community to keep the kids off the streets. These are people and groups that do not come to the City and ask for money OR ask a candidate, you give me more community centers and I'll vote for you.

    You seriously need to look harder and see what's out there.

    As for the social climate, have you not been to a 3rd Friday, an event the current Mayor had NOTHING to do with. That's right, just ask the people in charge and they'll tell you. There's the Farm and Home show this weekend. The Salisbury Festival. Pork in the Park. Pemberton Park. The Zoo. Ben's red swings. Again, the list goes on and on. There are local churches that provide so many incredible activities for children.

    I hope that helps you. To put it bluntly, we need community organizers throughout all of our communities to create and run activities for the children. We do not need to burdon the taxpayers any more the the Wicomico Board of Education sucks from the taxpayers pockets. We're tapped out, you know it and I know it.

    When I was a kid we didn't have street lights, yet we had a blast entertaining ourselves. Why is it up to ALL of the taxpayers to provide entertainment for every one when we already have community centers at our fingertips?

  20. anonymous 5:23. Let me add, why is Salisbury ranked one of the Top 100 Cities for children in America if there's nothing for them to do or community centers to go to.

  21. Salisbury ranked one of the Top 100 Cities for children in America... that was all about school programs, literacy and education to reduce the drop out rate.

  22. 10:05, you are wrong. It is about all kinds of programs to address problems facing kids, not just education.

    If you really care about kids, sponsor a ball team or something so more kids can take part.


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