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Friday, August 17, 2012

Today's Fill In The Blank 8-17-12

Salisbury Mayor Jim Ireton is _____.


  1. Queerer than a teo headed nickel

  2. going to throw a huge fit when he can't be the Mayor anymore

  3. The worst mayor Salisbury has ever had.

    Why does he always blame others for his failures.

  4. Just wrong. In so many ways.

  5. one of the reasons violent crime if down 42% since April 2009.

  6. So no positive comments for Jim allowed. Joseph Goebbels would be proud, Joe. Just remember to make your campaign colors red, white and black.

  7. Out of touch with the needs of Salisbury.

  8. i bet he has a wad of 3 dollar bills in his wallet.

  9. Writing his farewell speech.

  10. NOT a good Mayor!

  11. Totally out of touch with the people of Salisbury and what they would like to see done in their town.

  12. Secretly in love with Joe.

  13. Completely unprofessional and his department heads are the worst managers ever. They are all making sure their butts are covered instead of doing their service to the taxpayers!

  14. A fool to keep going!

  15. Asleep at the wheel.

  16. Drunk somewhere I a sure.

  17. My favorite boyfriend.

  18. Screwing up this town so bad I don't know if it can be fixed.

  19. Child in a mans body.

  20. i don't think "nasty" name calling is necessary to describe our current mayor. perhaps just judging him on his job would be more credible to most readers.

    i believe it's unfortunate he chose to be the mayor of our city without considering his job skills and abilities.

    he's simply out of his league and doesn't know how to handle the job or the pressure. we can only hope and pray our next mayor will have a thorough knowledge and understanding how a government/business should be run like a well oiled machine.

  21. on his way out !!! go joe go!!

  22. a clown from west va!!

  23. He is out of touch with the everyday citizens. And acting so childishly especially when on PAC TV certainly doesn't help him. I wonder; if he is like this as mayor, what on earth he is doing in the classroom with impressionable children? It would make me worry.
    As a taxpayer, his evaluation is in my hands.

  24. An incredibly nice guy, a really good teacher that kids adore, a bit dramatic to be sure, and totally passionate about Salisbury. We may never know what he might or might not be able do for this town because the vast majority of folks never gave him a fair chance. There's lots of name calling on here, which is childish and stupid, and much of it has little to do with his job performance. I don't consider that professional, adult, or fair. If it's not a redneck "good ol boy" who doesn't like change, the people in this town become a lynch mob on day #1. How did he win the election and then within a day or two be hated by the "majority" that voted him in? The people of this town are ridiculous.

  25. ....lacking in patience but so am I so I can understand. I'm working on improving.

  26. "Why does he always blame others for his failures."
    Typical Democrat mind set.


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