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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Today's Fill In The Blank 8-1-12

I've lived on the Shore for __ years.


  1. September will be 28 years

  2. Nine happy years. Love it here.

  3. Ten years now and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I may be a "come-here" but I will be a "die-here"!

  4. 40 years and now own the home I have lived and raised my 3 children in for 34 yrs.

  5. 44 years and love it. Will not be leaving anytime soon.

  6. 58 years - all my life and ould not want to live anywhere else!

  7. 31 years.....and leaving this fall.

  8. too many to admit to. People are really ignorant here.

  9. All of my 47 years..i am from here...a true local not a local implant ..

  10. 10, but I have had anchors babies here..does this make me a local?

  11. My family came to Worcester Count from England around 1650. They were come heres then but I guess that's worn off.

  12. 3 years now, was hell getting here. had to pay a coyote, swam across a river, wandered in the desert for a few days and nights. Finally made it to tuscon and scrounged up enough change to buy a one way ticket on the dog. glad ice don't come around here, and oh by the way want to thank omalley for all the free hand outs! I think I may have died and gone to heaven!

  13. Born and raised here for 49 years and I am proud to be from here!

  14. 62 years and I love it!! And for all of you that said "too many" , feel free to leave.

  15. 29 years and still here!!

  16. 9 years. Came here for college. Stayed because I got a job. Came from across the bay bridge. It's amazing how progressively back-assward the Eastern Shore is as a whole.

    But it's fun seeing both sides of the fence.

  17. I have lived here all of my 51 years.For the life of me I do not understand why people like 1:54pm think we are ignorant. You don't know me.I believe people from the Eastern Shore are pretty awesome. Maybe it's you that is ignorant. I'm just sayin.

  18. Likewise 2:26 - My family came to the Eastern Shore about the same time. However in 1650 I believe Worcester County was Somerset County, as was Wicomico. I've lived in different parts of the country (and overseas) but I do believe The Eastern Shore is "The Land of Pleasant Living", indeed.


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