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Monday, August 06, 2012


So there is one address in Lansing, Michigan from which 2,137 fake tax returns were sent, with $3.3 million of your tax dollars handed over to criminals, and the IRS drones with their super computers didn’t find this unusual? WTF!!!!

The IRS is handing out at least $5 billion per year of your tax dollars to criminals and they have no clue how to stop it. How can anyone with two brain cells to rub together believe that government can do anything competently? Have you ever dealt with an IRS agent? I had to guide IKEA through a two year IRS audit back in 1992. They scrape the bottom of the barrel to find IRS agents. It is a requirement that you have an IQ below 80. The average IRS employee is a mouth breathing dullard.

These morons are now hiring thousands of new drones to enforce the Obamacare tax. I’m sure they will do a splendid job.



  1. More lies!

    The IRS never makes mistakes -ever! The always get exactly what they want and you will NOT get away with cheating them out of a single Fedeal Reserve Note.

  2. The only two successful entities of the government were NASA and the military. I use the past tense because neither will be successful for much longer. They are both being destroyed by the muslim in chief.


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