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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Blessings of a Free Country

Americans, like all great peoples of the past, have fallen prey to a dangerous phenomenon inherent in the human condition: they have taken too much for granted. We live in a land of miraculous bounty and plenty, with wonderful comforts, affordable high-tech goods, and time-saving services available to the great majority of people, especially those who work for a living. While many Americans, and particularly upper middle class “intellectuals,” urge the government to take from the “haves” to give to the “have-nots,” these purported do-gooders neglect to notice that the economic system that provides them the ability to be “compassionate” with other people’s money is being destroyed. These self-less folks are irreparably damaging the engine of wealth creation known as free market capitalism.
The self-described elites who unremorsely do so fail to comprehend that the state-led economic policies they endorse is not progressivism, in any meaningful sense, it is regressivism. State-led economics are not the unknown in the human experience, it is the nearly omnipresent norm. It is free market economics in any semblance that is the rarity, and the prime mover behind America’s meteoric rise to world power and influence.

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