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Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Texas Is Preparing To Execute A Mentally Disabled Man Today

Despite the Supreme Court ruling in 20-02 that executing the mentally disabled violates the eighth amendment of the Constitution – Texas is poised to execute a mentally disabled man on Tuesday. 54-year-old Marvin Wilson killed a police informant in 1992, is mentally disabled, and has a reading and writing level comparable to a seventh-grader, with an IQ of 61. Despite a scientific consensus proving that, the state of Texas has its own criteria to determine mental disabilities – and Wilson doesn't pass the test. According to the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, the factors Texas used to determine mental disability are, "based on false stereotypes about mental retardation that effectively exclude all but the most severely incapacitated." As a result, a man is going to die tomorrow, and Texas Governor Rick Perry gets to carve another notch in his belt.


  1. IQ is an intelligence test, it has nothing to do with insanity. Being uneducated is not an excuse to kill

  2. I've have studied this case and have come to this conclusion.
    He may have some mental problems , but he is not God and cannot decide if anyone needs to die.
    having said that , he was also a very bad person , he killed for revenge , I think society was justified in his execution.
    Going a bit further , I believe that all states should be recognizing the death penalty and supply an express lane.
    Talk about a crime deterant!

  3. Frankly, if an individual has the intelligence to commit a crime of this magnitude, they should be expected to pay for it as anyone else would.

  4. +2 robbery convictions, one of which he was on parole for at the time of the murder.

  5. Considering he killed a drug dealer and not a kid or innocent old lady they could commute it to life.I would feel much better about it anyway.

  6. IQ has nothing to do with criminal activity! Where the heck did that notion come from? Other than the fact that you really have to be stupid to kill someone else and get caught! Or steal, rape, destroy, maim, etc...

    You play, you pay. Period.


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