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Saturday, August 04, 2012

Terrorist Freed After Obama Admin Denies Gitmo Entrance

Judicial Watch reports that Hezbollah commander Ali Mussa Daqduq, who tortured and killed 5 U.S. soldiers in Iraq and was detained by U.S. forces in early 2007, will be freed by an Iraqi court--the inevitable, and predictable, result of an Obama administration decision to hand him over to Iraqi authorities rather than bring him to Guantanamo Bay.

Judicial Watch summarizes the pathetic abdication of justice by the Obama administration:

We all knew this would happen back in December when the commander-in-chief handed over the Lebanese militant, Ali Mussa Daqduq, to Iraqi officials. A mainstream newspaper presented it as a “dilemma” for the president as American troops prepared to exit Iraq. Daqduq had been in U.S. military custody in Iraq since 2007 for his involvement in a carefully orchestrated plot that killed, kidnapped and tortured American military officers.



  1. That makes Obama a terrorist as well! Just another poor decision by the moron. Think he will get the vote of our military people.

  2. they need him to kill Christians in Syria or Lebanon


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