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Friday, August 17, 2012

Taliban Say They Have Infiltrated Afghan Forces

The Taliban's reclusive leader said Thursday that his fighters have infiltrated the Afghan police and army and were successfully killing a rising number of U.S.-led coalition forces.

Mullah Mohammad Omar, the one-eyed chief of the Afghan insurgency, emailed his eight-page message to news organizations ahead of the Eid al-Fitr holiday marking the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Omar said Afghan security forces were assisting Taliban fighters who infiltrate their ranks, kill foreign troops and then carry their government-issued weapons back to insurgent camps.



  1. Nuke them and get it over with.

  2. lol, Afghan President Kharzai said last year in a press conference that he'd join the Taliban.

    Our officers were ordered earlier this year to turn all desks around to face the doors, and to have a sidearm at the ready at all times while working.

  3. They better infiltrate them unmaned planes.

  4. And all the mom's and dad's whose sons and daughters didn't come back or only came back in pieces, are, I'm sure, positively delerious with joy over all the changes we made in that third world threat to our freedom. Think of all the money and blood lost in Afghanistan and then think of it again when we get called to fight the NEXT "threat to our security". Which we be coming to a neighborhoor near you soon...

  5. How many still want to stay the course? I'm serious.Enough is enough.People here insist that if we leave now thousands would have died in vain,but somehow we have never been able to set precise timelines and stick to them.


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