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Monday, August 20, 2012

Speed Cameras More Mobile, Look Like Mailboxes

Most people don't notice a mobile speed camera until they see a flash in the rearview mirror and realize they've been caught.

That's the idea.

Local governments are availing themselves of new mobile speed cameras that resemble mailboxes as effective and profitable ways to slow drivers down.



  1. Prince George's County expects to bring in $8 million in 2012, with a whopping $28 million in 2013.

    Montgomery County recently doubled its mobile cameras and forecasts bringing in $12 million from fines in 2012.

    The District received $55 million from speed citations issued in 2011.

    Local police departments maintain the main purpose of the cameras is to reduce speeds, rather than increase revenues.

    Of course they do!

    Now, how many of you believe that?

  2. .22 rifle with scope and silencer. Have fun kids.

    1. Yeah, and when you kill somebody, we will get to pay for your butt to sit in jail. What a moron.

  3. Great job. Let's see how many of them we cn get in this country. Have to have some way to keep the ignorant drivers that only think about themselves in check. Bunch of lawbreaking people that cause us to have to spend tax dolllars to babysit, and our auto insurance rates to go up. Atleast now, they will have to start paying for their own enforcement. Go speed cameras!!!

  4. Anon 8:44 you cannot actually believe this is about safety , if that was true they would not figure the INCOME into the budget .

    1. Can you actually comprehend the part about the people that are breaking the law will be the ones helping to support the budgets of law enforcement? Shouldn't the ones that break the law be the ones that should pay? Or, would you raher your taxes go up to fund more enforcement? You have to be going 12 mph over. Don't you think that anyone traveling 12 over in a school zone deserves a ticket? You all are jus mad because you now have to modify your driving behavior. Quit crying and deal with it. I love them.

    2. They have to idiot. Don't you know anything about a buget?:...oh....obviously not.

  5. Just another way to make the poor people poorer.

    1. Then poor people shouldn't speed...and poor people wont have a problem. Right?

  6. OK boneheads loyal traffic camera lovers. how about once the goldmine they foresee now suddenly dwindles numbers go down & budgets of course still go up... then what??They lower allowable window and narrow that down til you cant even pass gas..The "I didnt do nothing" crowd make me wanna puke..keep letting this illegal crap to go on eventually big brother will catch up with you too..

  7. Ranger3325 said...
    Anon 8:44 you cannot actually believe this is about safety , if that was true they would not figure the INCOME into the budget .

    August 20, 2012 8:53 PM

    Idiots and morons like him can't see pass the tip of their upturned nose. They don't care about anything or anybody except themselves and their hero, Obammy.

    The better part of them is a stain on their parents sheets.

  8. Police have always used high visibility as a deterrent to crime as one of their best tools.

    If their purpose is to increase safety and reduce speeding, then maybe they should put up a sign warning in conjunction with the cameras. This would cause most drivers to slow down in the zone they are concerned with safety. The ones who disregard then deserve a ticket.

  9. "Profit" being the key word here. Its NOT the fine, you nazi's. Its NOT the ticket, either, you cop and cop loving fools. Its the silent and pervasive "surveillance" that ALL Americans are under. The overwhelming number of them are INNOCENT. When in the hell did you yes men for Big Brother (they love it when you cheer their activities) begin to believe it was okay to be "watched" all the time? This ain't North Korea or China. Yet. But keep cheering. It will soon be. But at least do me a favor. Wear your Gestapo uniform openly and proudly so we know who you are (your time will come, too)....

  10. maybe we should start taking Chinese in preparation for the future


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