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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Speed Camera Defaced Near Loch Raven High School

Make that one more traffic camera targeted by vandals.
Someone defaced a speed camera enclosure along Cromwell Bridge Road.
The camera was sprayed with red paint on both sides.
The camera was just recently put in near Loch Raven High School.


  1. Maybe the morons that decide to put these out there should get a clue!

  2. LOL I encourage others to do the same.

  3. "We're so p*ssed off that they won't let us BREAK THE LAW, that we're going to commit VANDALISM so that we'll be able to break the law."

    I hope the camera got a shot of the criminals who did this. You know what's going to come of it you jackwagons? It's going to cost money (*YOUR TAX DOLLARS) to fix this thing. Then they're going to put it back in service and continue to use it to collect revenue. Good work, idiots.

    How about doing the speed limit? Ever try that?

  4. Yeah, you all are a bunch of idiots. Why would you be happy that someone broke the law on something that enforces people that break the law. I hope we get more speed cameras and eventually can find more technology to bust people for other infractions. It is obvious that people don't have any regard for the rules of the road as can be substantiated by the idiots on this blog that are mad because they may get caught now. All the hype about the possibilities of errors from the cameras, but now that they have been out for a while, 99 percent of the tickets are legitimate. Now that the accuracy is proven, let's start charging the actual fine and assessing points. Drop the 12 over down to 5 over. I mean, if you all are going to cry, you might as well have a reason. Get used to them. Haha

  5. Keep it up.....If your caught the jury will let you free!

  6. Can anyone, calmly and rationally, explain the objection to speed cameras? I honestly don't get it.

  7. Shame the camera did not catch who did it

  8. Please come to Wicomico County and do this... Even if 100 people were driving by there would be no witnesses!

  9. Snitches get stitches.

  10. Bravo! This is nothing but extortion plain and simple!

  11. LOL I encourage others to do the same.

    August 18, 2012 5:39 PM


  12. While I applaud the reasoning it is still a crime and I have a semi violent reaction to people vandalizing anything I own

  13. Must be some cops on here talking smack or some very dumb people. Both?

    If you can't understand the objections to cameras, no amount of explaining will make you understand.

    It's not the speeding, it's not the fines, it's the CAMERAS!

    Of course cops want them. No sense in even talking to those thugs. They don't have to follow the law anyway so cameras won't affect them, as Joe has pointed out in posts in the past.

    I hope every one gets destroyed. And the replacements too. Tax money be damned.

    There is a whole lot more waste of our tax monies then the small amounts for this 'civil disobedience'.

    I hope they target the suv's and other vehicles and trailers too.

    Give the people the power to pull over cops for breaking the almighty law you keep harping about.

    I would like to get paid for all the tickets I could issue you criminals.

    1. You are a jerk. Maybe if you paid attention in high school, as evident by your spelling, you wouldn't be so bitter. Bottom line...we won..you lost. We got them...and we will get you...loser

  14. You sre wrong.

    August 18, 2012 11:21 PM
    Anonymous said...
    You are a jerk. Maybe if you paid attention in high school, as evident by your spelling, you wouldn't be so bitter. Bottom line...we won..you lost. We got them...and we will get you...loser

    August 18, 2012 11:26 PM

    are you two talking to yourselves?

  15. The real crime is they can take a picture and send you a bill what ever happened to the right to face your accuser? Face it this is about generating revenue It's another tax. The people should vote on whether they want camera's.

  16. Hahahahhaa.... Now that's funny. Take that big brother!

  17. And another ditto to 8:21

  18. 10:44 nailed you cops to the wall with the "just try obeying the law" crap you spew. YOU (cops) break more laws in a week then the normal ctizen breaks in a year, but you (cops) can't shut up about "obey the law". YOU (cops) are the one with the most speed camera violations, but all YOU get is a good ol' boy pat on the back and a shared laugh in the break room about how good you looked in those sunglasses and golf shirt. Its NOT the fine, Adolf with a badge, it is the American disgust at "remote" law enforcement, constant and unseen "surveillance" (when most citizens aren't doing ANYTHING to be under "surveillance" for), and the power that the government (and cops) think they can wield with impunity and scorn. We HAVE become a society of Masters and serfs. The Masters just don't like it when they get challenged. And taxes? I'd pay an EXTRA tax if necessary just to see more of cameras destroyed. Every one of them. I'd also pay an extra tax to teach police they set the example and its not supposed to be a bad one.

  19. August 19, 2012 5:03 PM

    I'm 10:44 and 8:21.

    Thank you both for agreeing with me.

    And thank you lmclain for your contribution.

    Maybe you, me, and some others can get it thru their heads what the real issues are about.

    Cops can talk smack all day long because they know they have that badge pinned to their shirt and they are immune to the very laws they enforce on us.

    If those hotshots want respect, they have to EARN it. Right now they have zero respect as far as I'm concerned.

    And if one of you cops want to come back with, "maybe we won't come when you call us", I could care less. I am armed and will shoot to kill anyone who threatens me, including rouge cops. So stick it.

    When you guys show up the action is usually over anyway. You just ask questions and fill out some paperwork, some of which you lie on anyway.

    Now, I appreciate the few good cops out there. And I say few because there seems to be more of the so called 'bad apples' than good cops nowadays.

    They do the right thing and get lumps right along with the bad ones. They should police their own.

    Have a nice day and don't get a pressure sore on your butt while you're sitting behind a bush waiting for someone to go a few miles over the speed limit.

  20. Look - if you want to be paranoid, you should be concerned about the weather service buying hollow point ammo - not freakin' speed cameras. Situated around schools, they reinforce lower speeds and more careful driving. You can witness it any day of the week. How in the hell is that a bad thing?

  21. How in the hell is that a bad thing?

    August 19, 2012 9:26 PM



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