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Friday, August 03, 2012

Romney Adviser to Harry Reid: 'Have You No Sense Of Decency, Sir?'

Mitt Romney's senior campaign adviser channeled the McCarthy hearings of the 1950s on Thursday when he implicitly accused Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, of engaging in McCarthyism by insinuating that Mr. Romney did not pay any taxes for 10 years.

"Harry Reid's charges are baseless, and they're untrue, and I would ask him one simple question: Have you no sense of decency, sir?" Eric Fehrnstrom said on Fox News. "Is there nothing you won't do to debase yourself and the office you hold in the name of dirty politics?"

The remark mirrors Army counsel Joseph Welch's famous line to Sen. Joe McCarthy during the 1950s investigations into Communist activities in the U.S.



  1. Obama gets called a Kenyan Muslim socialist gun-grabbing Affirmative Action food stamp blackety-black Nazi. Obama pays no attention and comes to work every day.

    Mitt is asked why he does not live up to a standard political tradition established by his own father, and he goes ballistic, because in his world it is insulting to be held to one's father's standard of honesty.

    Or something.

    One of these guys has been insulted and one has not. See if you can sort them out.

    If Mitt wants to continue whining about how UNFAIR it is to be compared to one's father, Harry Reid will buy him as microphone and rent a stadium.

    Nothing says "loser" like whining about insignificant perceived slights.

  2. Mitt is not required by law to open his tax forms, however, BO is required by law to supply a real birth certificate. Case closed, 504.

  3. Nice DNC talking points, 5:04, but let's take a minute for a fact check. Tho' I don't disagree with your description of Obama, no ranking Republicans have cast similar aspersions. Reid, on the other hand, is quoting a nameless source in his accusations that Romney is a tax cheat. And the simple answer to the question is, no, Reid and his kind have no decency.

  4. Harry Reid Is A Pedophile Rapist


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