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Monday, August 06, 2012

Rising Gas Prices Return to Haunt Obama

Gas prices have surged in recent weeks and analysts predict they’ll keep rising, creating fresh openings for GOP attacks against President Obama that had waned when prices dropped sharply.

The nationwide average for regular gasoline is $3.60-per-gallon, a 24-cent rise over the past four weeks, according to AAA.

Prices are well below the peak of nearly $4 in early April, a run-up that fueled constant GOP criticism of White House energy policies and threw Obama on the defensive. The frequency of political clashes over gas prices have tapered off since prices tumbled.



  1. As long as the government forces the ethanol % mandate, we will be paying more for gas and the corn is dying in the fields from drought all over this country.

  2. Did Obama get credit when gas price fell a few weeks back. No, because he has no control over the price.
    We need to end tax cuts for the oil companies and get off oil all together

  3. So 3:38 Who would be responsible for ending those tax cuts for the oil companies?

  4. yes 3:38 Solyndra is your answer,any more ideas.

  5. I want $1.87 cent a gallon gas. Like when Obama started his disasterous presidency.

  6. I will take anything that helps remove that Moran out of the Whorehouse whoops I mean Whitehouse -Clinton is not there anymore.

  7. 4:01 haven't you herd. Algea is the next big green fuel.

  8. So, you mean if Obama doesn't get re-elected I won't have to pay so much for gas next year? Well that takes care of my vote, gee wish I knew that before, silly president won't let us get cheaper fuel, who knew?!
    The political agendas of the media are quite lame, but probably has a lot to do with the audience as well I guess.

  9. I hope gas goes to $6.00 a gallon if that is what it takes to rid ourselves of the imposter and all his cronies.

  10. Did you liberals stop to think of how the drought is affecting the price of gasoline?


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