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Saturday, August 04, 2012

Resort Council Reluctantly OKs $100k Pledge For Upcoming Film

The Ocean City Council voted Tuesday to approve the Tourism Advisory Board’s request to allocate $100,000 for investment in the upcoming movie “Ping Pong Summer,” to be filmed in Ocean City and star Susan Sarandon, though the council’s tenor seemed to be one of trepidation.

TAB had made the recommendation after meeting extensively with the film’s producers, as well as local business representatives, a fact that seemed to sway many council members more than the promise of the film itself.

Although not necessarily enthused, the council approved TAB’s recommendation as one that had come from a consensus group to which the council had already committed funding regardless of its use.



  1. Hollywood has enough money to fund films,not OC.

  2. 100K is a drop in a bucket for making a movie. Hell you can blow 1,000X that on a commercial. It'll bring money to the area, just like A Perfect Storm and Wedding Crashers did.


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