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Saturday, August 25, 2012


Users on several Al-Qaeda-linked websites have posted the name and photo of the former Navy SEAL identified as the author of the forthcoming book about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden and are calling for his “destruction,” NBC News reported.
According to NBC, one website that featured revenge death threats was “Al-Fidda,” which Al-Qaeda uses to distribute messages to the media.
The photo appears to show a special operations soldier holding an automatic rifle during a training exercise, NBC reported. It was not clear where the photo came from.


  1. What did he expect? He knows the muslims are barbaric animals. I respect and commend him for his service to our once-great country and he has the right to publish whatever he wants, but I don't think he should have tried to make money exposing the SEAL's tactics and strategies. With that being said, when are the good people of America going to stand up and call for the destruction of Al-Quadea and demand that the government allow our brave soldiers to do what they are trained to do-KILL THE ENEMY. We have the power to wipe them out and end the problem in short order and I am sure our men would love to do it, but the federal government (who's original purpose was only to provide serurity) will not let them take care of business. Am I the only one who sees it this way?

  2. I respect and commend him for his service to our once-great country and he has the right to publish whatever he wants, but I don't think he should have tried to make money exposing the SEAL's tactics and strategies

    No he does NOT have the right to publish whatever he wants. He signed a LIFETIME ban on speaking about ANY of the missions he was a part of.

    Now he has put himself, family and others at risk.

    I have read he will donate the monies from the sale of the book to families of fallen SEALS.

    He might need the money for himself to pay a lawyer to defend him if DOJ decides to press charges against him for writing the book without going through proper channels.

    We shall see.

  3. Hey, so did Obama!
    Didn't stop him.


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