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Monday, August 27, 2012

Really? Is This True?


  1. Just watched 2016... my decision is in stone now. Not a Romney fan, but no other choice. Again. This is really sucking after 40 years of voting. It's always the lesser of 2 evils. Sucks. Ron Paul needed to be the candidate this year, but even the GOP is crooked, Sucks all the way around.

  2. Geez, the President of the United States of Americas mother was a porn star while his father was a communist agitator? Obama Sr. a patsy?

    Hey Barry or Harrison or Barak! whomever you are, UNSEAL and RELEASE your real records!

  3. the President of the United States of Americas mother was a porn star

    Why would that surprise you? All in government are whores.

    Yet the taxpayers are always the ones who get screwed.


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