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Thursday, August 02, 2012

‘Racist Provocation’: Two Bloodied Pigs Heads Found Hanging Outside of French Mosque

PARIS (The Blaze/AP) — Authorities say two pigs’ heads were found hanging outside a mosque in southern France. The local mayor denounced what she described as “intimidation.” Expatica.com has more about the incident:

Muslims attending morning prayers Wednesday were confronted by two pigs’ heads in the entrance to their mosque in a French town where an Islamist gunman killed two paratroopers in March.



  1. Since when did Islam become a race?

  2. A symptom of the condition.
    Free people simply are fed up with Sharia, disproportionate punishments, the brutalization of women, the "death to the infidel" mentality.
    Islam is a cult for despots, bigots and racists.
    It needs to be eradicated from the western world.

  3. I don't disagree with you 11:03 but I'm not sure that hateful actions will cause a change of hearts and call people out of Islam.

  4. Anonymous said...
    I don't disagree with you 11:03 but I'm not sure that hateful actions will cause a change of hearts and call people out of Islam.

    August 3, 2012 8:51 AM

    You are a soft hearted liberal.


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