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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Racial Profiling Could Be Rampant At Airports Across America

According to a new report by the New York Times, managers at Boston's Logan Airport instruct their TSA personnel to racially profile Middle Easterners, blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities. It's part of a behavior detection program created after 9/11 – meant to use trained behavioral experts to engage passengers in security lines and try to detect any unusual behavior. But this month, 32 officers filed written complaints alleging that the program is motivated strictly by racial profiling. Not only that – management required officers to meet a certain threshold of arrests and detentions. The TSA is responding with its own investigation into the issue, but the same program at Logan Airport is a model for more than 160 other airports across the nation.


  1. Racial Profiling is wrong according to most liberals. The reason......it works.

  2. racial profiling works

  3. According to this liberal, racial profiling is perfectly fine at any airport.

  4. racial profiling = common sense.

  5. Reminds me of the Family Guy johnny quest scene. youtube it. Hilarious and true.


  6. Nothing like good profiling to find what your looking for!


  7. You don't see farmers going into the bean field to pick tomatoes.

  8. Well, lets see if we racial profile then lets start pulling over and frisking young white males after every mass shooting, along with whites for drug use, oh and every time money is missing on wall street arrest middle age white males. Since most crime is intra-racial then most of the time when whites are victims of crime...whites should be rounded up. I guess racial profiling worked all those times whites said a "black guy" did it and it turned out to be the whites who complained. I guess the arrest of these innocent black men on the word of lying criminals=common sense. I guess "it worked." Minorities are not the only criminals in the country nor are they the majority of arrests....Whites are arrested more than any other race, however, Blacks are the majority of those imprisoned..yea I guess profiling is awesome!! Whites commit more crimes, in almost every category than other races. All of this information is free on the FBI's website.

  9. 1238-So you're saying the reason there are more black men in jail than in college, is whitey's fault? Blaming someone else doesn't get you anywhere in life, check the ghettos, every other race has moved out and moved up.....the blacks play to stereotypes and neuter themselves en masse. Keep killing each other and keep blaming whitey, see where that gets ya? The lowest rung on the totem pole. Can't pull yourselves up so it's somebody elses fault, genius.

  10. "Whites commit more crimes, in almost every category than other races. All of this information is free on the FBI's website."

    This information is free on the FBI's website, indeed. And if you look at it closely and try to apply some intellectual efforts while analyzing it you'll easily notice that it's blacks who outnumber whites in crime statistics.

    I'll give you 2 hints:
    1. all you need to do is to adjust the total number of crimes by race according to the total number of population.

    2. There are only 13% of blacks in the US.

    And, please, keep in mind that the FBI includes Hispanics into White category.


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